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Can't make a new account on DOOM Explorer

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As the title says, I have not been able to make a new account on DOOM explorer for a very long while.

Whenever I try to make a new account, the log sends an error, "ZDaemon Login: Invalid Username" (or in some cases it says "Can't connect to ZDaemon master server") Is there any way I can fix this?

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If you've tried a number of different username combinations you may also want to try specifying a different password (just in case that ends up being the culprit).


Unfortunately the message displayed via Doom Explorer goes into very little detail; if you attempted to create an account with the ZDaemon Launcher and an error message was received (aside from "Cannot connect to the Master Server") it'll provide more detail regarding why the creation attempt has failed.


The full error message from the ZDaemon Launcher's perspective would be as follows:

Invalid username or password
The username must obey the following rules:
   * The first character can be a letter, underscore or left bracket.
   * Subsequent characters can be letters, digits, hyphens,
      underscores or right brackets.
   * Square brackets (if any) must be balanced.
   * The clan tag (if any) cannot be more than 5 chars. long.
   * Its length (excluding clan tags) cannot be less than 3 chars.
   * Its length (including clan tags) cannot be more than 15 chars.
   * It is NOT supposed to be ASCII art; it must contain more
      alphanumerics than other chars.

The password must obey the following rules:
   * Its length cannot be less than 3 chars.
   * Its length cannot be more than 15 chars.

If the above rules are satisfied, then the username contains words
that have been explicitly blocked for various reasons. If so, you'll
have to use another nickname.


Edited by AF-Domains.net

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