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Run and dead [Hardcore]

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A garage complex filled with crowds of monsters awaits you.
Playtime ~7-15 min.

The maps is completely inspired by THROWN - on the verge (guitar / instrumental cover)







- Music: THROWN - on the verge (remixed by @Nikamir)

- No crouch

- No jump

- 1 map

- 1 "simple" secret





Made with Slade3 - DOOM2. (ZDoom)

Download (4.2 Mb): https://1drv.ms/u/s!ArJqO35mii2Ok8lIXOwWVJ-x2NndWA?e=3LnTer

Edited by Nikamir

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Tight as hell, slaughtery but a lot of fun. I managed to survive, somehow. Music was a lot more bearable this time around, enjoyable even.


Two of the floors (blood and slime) were not damaging, even though one was marked with poison textures, was that intended?


Found a bug too, the last key door before the exit switch only opens once, so if you do what I did and open it, then come back later you have to noclip.


Still, fun little slaughtermap.

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4 hours ago, Zesiir said:

Tight as hell, slaughtery but a lot of fun. I managed to survive, somehow. Music was a lot more bearable this time around, enjoyable even. 

The bottom line is that the more you panic and run around the map, the more it opens up and the situation only gets worse! I don’t have much experience in creating remixes, but I like what I do, and most importantly, what I do does not go to waste. Appreciate that you liked it!


4 hours ago, Zesiir said:

Two of the floors (blood and slime) were not damaging, even though one was marked with poison textures, was that intended? 

Yes, indeed, that’s what I intended. You're right though, so I'll add 5% damage for them now.


4 hours ago, Zesiir said:

Found a bug too, the last key door before the exit switch only opens once, so if you do what I did and open it, then come back later you have to noclip.

Hmm, for some reason it was in my head that since the door is closed and the keys are not all collected, it means that S1 will not work, and will be in a waiting state, and only when all the conditions are met will it be executed once as it should be. But it seems I was wrong. Thank you for your valuable comment!

4 hours ago, Zesiir said:

Still, fun little slaughtermap.


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I'll admit sort of dipping on your last map. But even though this is the kind of old-school slaughter I have an uneasy relationship with, I quite liked this one. Maybe it was the music.



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@Nikamir A truly brutal map, and it took me more than 15 minutes to complete it because I couldn't imagine how complicated it would be to survive each of the encounters. However, the map has been a lot of fun to try, even though I don't like the close quarters to combat, heh.





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