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Castle of Doom [WIP]

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Hi Doomworld.


I started dabbling in Doom Mapping (two weeks ago maybe?). That "build something for a game" itch started again recently. I have a background in UT Classic and UT 2k4 Mapping although that was a long time ago lol, but I'm not entirely new to this stuff.

Anyways, just to get some feedback on what I've been doing so far I'd like to show you my first WAD.


I don't think I'll be changing much about it, but I'll use it as a learning for the next one. So extensive feedback is much appreciated still. There's probably a lot that I got wrong. Not only from the perspective of leveldesign, but also just some technical stuff.


Format: UDMF



PORT: ZDOOM (should run with any settings)


Jumping, crouching allowed.


V2 is out! Thanks everyone for the feedback.






  • The entire map is now backtrackable
  • Fixed some texture misalignments
  • Fixed elevator button triggering twice
  • Some balancing for the final encounter
  • Chaingun secret no longer reachable from elevator




DOWNLOAD: dsfrd_MAP01_V2.zip


Apologies if I missed any info you guys need. Just let me know.

Thanks & hope you have fun :)







Edited by dasfrodo

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21 minutes ago, dasfrodo said:

I started dabbling in Doom Mapping (two weeks ago maybe?). That "build something for a game" itch started again


Mapping for Doom is luckily very easy to pick up and get into, and for just a few weeks that certainly doesn't look bad by the way.


It does feel like you have an idea for evironments and gamefeel by the looks of it so the background in Unreal Tournament certainly helps there I assume.


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Hehe yeah, the reason I got into this in the first place is that it's so easy. The engine always looked intriguing to me, seems to be the perfect blend between easy to learn and a certain amount of limitations. Though the difference between BOOM and UDMF is really something.

I tried mapping in BOOM first but the limitations or rather they way I would have to set up timed triggers and stuff like this was to annoying to me, so I just went with UDMF due to ACS.

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If you ever feel passionate on the long run and you feel like making something similar to UT then the UDMF format is the way to go.

It allows you to make slopes, 3d floors and gives alot of neat effects to work with. 


Boom, or rather the MBF21 (Modern Boom Format) is basically what most community projects work with so I call it the "community project format". Personally I don't like working in that format but it's good to know your way with it whenever you're interested in doing something for a community project.

Edited by OniriA

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Yes, I used 3D floors in this WAD already. Not much, but a little. Comes in really handy.

I think the only reason I'd ever use something else than UDMF is if I want to additionally restrict myself. Other than that, naw.


Let's see if I'll stay with this, so far it's really fun. Thanks for the details.

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Fun short map!  Great use of lighting.



I was expecting a big fight going up that long elevator towards the exit lol.



Looking forward to seeing what you come up with in the future!

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8 hours ago, Delisk said:




Thanks for playing! I have no idea why the final elevator button was so high up, that should have only triggered once, looks like it triggered twice or thrice ...

Edited by dasfrodo

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7 hours ago, IamtheLaw said:

Fun short map!  Great use of lighting.


  Reveal hidden contents

I was expecting a big fight going up that long elevator towards the exit lol.



Looking forward to seeing what you come up with in the future!


Thanks for playing.

Yeah honestly I thought about making another arena after the elevator, but the fight before that already felt fine so I just ended it there.

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6 hours ago, KevvyLava said:

I had a good time with this map.  Large difficulty spike at the end, though.

Thanks for playing! And yes, that was the intention. Was it too large though?


5 hours ago, BriceTheBruce said:

Fun map, good job!


  Reveal hidden contents

I really liked how you made the jail room


Thank you! Yes, the basement is also my favorite.

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Cool little map. I'm a big fan of UT99 architecture so this was a treat. Gameplay flowed mostly well, and I liked the traps and good use of monster closets to ambush the player. The 3D floors are always fun to see in Doom maps. The dungeon was my favourite area too.


I did find some issues;




This lift could only be used once. If you drop down and forget to explore, you can't get back up.




After finishing the arena by the exit lift, and grabbing the secret Computer Area Map, you can't get back up. The powerup is a bit redundant since you can't go back and find secrets you missed.




Personally I tend not to put monsters that can drop items in unreachable places. That's minor though.





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5 hours ago, dasfrodo said:

Thanks for playing! And yes, that was the intention. Was it too large though?


Thank you! Yes, the basement is also my favorite.


It was a bit jarring in comparison to the rest of the wad, yes.  It seems to me like the big thing in mapping these days is you grab an item and a bunch of chaingunners, revenants, and arch-viles appear.  You see the revenants and run into the arms of the chaingunners.  I had a pretty reasonable time up until that point, didn't bother restarting the map, just resurrected myself and moved on with the map.

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18 hours ago, Zesiir said:

Cool little map. I'm a big fan of UT99 architecture so this was a treat. Gameplay flowed mostly well, and I liked the traps and good use of monster closets to ambush the player. The 3D floors are always fun to see in Doom maps. The dungeon was my favourite area too.


I did find some issues;


  Reveal hidden contents


This lift could only be used once. If you drop down and forget to explore, you can't get back up.




After finishing the arena by the exit lift, and grabbing the secret Computer Area Map, you can't get back up. The powerup is a bit redundant since you can't go back and find secrets you missed.




Personally I tend not to put monsters that can drop items in unreachable places. That's minor though.






Thanks for playing!


  1. That lift was supposed to work like that, but I've sinced learned that it's generally not liked by the community if you cut off a way back
  2. I added that wall very late, so the Powerup doesn't make sense anymore, you're right. I just forgot about it.
  3. Is there any way to disable drops on monsters, or do I just need to use monsters that don't have drops at all?


15 hours ago, KevvyLava said:


It was a bit jarring in comparison to the rest of the wad, yes.  It seems to me like the big thing in mapping these days is you grab an item and a bunch of chaingunners, revenants, and arch-viles appear.  You see the revenants and run into the arms of the chaingunners.  I had a pretty reasonable time up until that point, didn't bother restarting the map, just resurrected myself and moved on with the map.


Thanks for the feedback, that is very valuable.

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3 minutes ago, dasfrodo said:

Is there any way to disable drops on monsters, or do I just need to use monsters that don't have drops at all?


I've no idea. It's probably possible to mod the monsters not to drop items, but that could be a lot of hassle. It's just a pet peeve of mine ;)

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43 minutes ago, Zesiir said:


I've no idea. It's probably possible to mod the monsters not to drop items, but that could be a lot of hassle. It's just a pet peeve of mine ;)


No I get it :D suggests to the player that you can actually get there somehow. But I don't think I'll be changing it for this map. Next time ;)

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