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My very first doom wad.

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This is my very first wad that I made in 2 days which contains lots of enemies and I wanted you guys to try it out. It is a single map starting on MAP01 but idk if I consider it a slaughtermap. I also tried to make the wad fair and not difficult and I think I did that pretty well.

The map was tested on Doom 2 using prboom+ -complevel 2 and Gzdoom with doom(strict) compatibility. 


I dont even know if you guys can play this map tbh.


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3 hours ago, Homer_hardware said:

I also tried to make the wad fair and not difficult and I think I did that pretty well.


Judging by the screenshots, I'm not sure I agree.

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Well, it's basic textures and D_RUNNIN. And a horde of monsters.


Very simple, but actually manageable and not as difficult as I thought it would be, so I stand corrected.

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Umm, atleast use some textures to give it abit more of an..identity, instead of leaving it all startan.



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Despite the large enemy count, they are very manageable with gratuitous use of the BFG and invulns.


The last room with the Cyberdemons behind the crushers were a bit tedious to deal with though as you had to constantly run back to the previous room to get more Cells.


Like others said, some different textures and maybe music would be nice.


Congrats on releasing your first map.

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10 hours ago, OniriA said:

Umm, atleast use some textures to give it abit more of an..identity, instead of leaving it all startan.



Yep. Im or I am not very good at decorating levels so thats why its all startan. Will try to decorate more levels in the future and hope you had fun.

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16 hours ago, Zesiir said:

Well, it's basic textures and D_RUNNIN. And a horde of monsters.


Very simple, but actually manageable and not as difficult as I thought it would be, so I stand corrected.

Thanks! Because it was my first I didnt know how to change midi and the textures were not the best so yeah.

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7 hours ago, wheresthelambsauce said:

Despite the large enemy count, they are very manageable with gratuitous use of the BFG and invulns.


The last room with the Cyberdemons behind the crushers were a bit tedious to deal with though as you had to constantly run back to the previous room to get more Cells.


Like others said, some different textures and maybe music would be nice.


Congrats on releasing your first map.

Thanks for playing the map and when I made the map, I didnt decide on how the level would look and I hesitated everytime I changed a texture and I didnt know how to change the midi.

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You can use a MAPINFO file to mix the music up.


It's basically a text document with this inside it;


map MAP01 "entryway"

levelnum 1 titlepatch CWILV00

next MAP02

secretnext MAP02

sky1 SKY1 0

cluster 5

par 30

music D_RUNNIN


That last bit, if you put in another music file (usually a .midi for the Doom 2 track you want to replace) into the wad via Slade and rename it to the same as above, the map will play that track instead. Place it at the bottom of the file cluster. It's how I do it, anyway.


Full MAPINFO list for Doom 2 is here.

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Check this out when you have time. Been busy with other stuff but just reading the thread may prove useful. 


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3 hours ago, Homer_hardware said:

Yep. Im or I am not very good at decorating levels so thats why its all startan. Will try to decorate more levels in the future and hope you had fun.


Presenting a startan level feels very low effort and you should definitely learn texturing. By the screenshots I wasn't compellled to try out your level because I don't like wasting my time with something that looks low effort. Even for your first map.


Hope you understand.

Edited by OniriA

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Funny map. I liked it, actually. It's kinda fun.

Had a hard time trying to find the yellow skull key in the enormous pile of corpses.

Had a fun time doing absolutely nothing while the cyberdemons obliterated this crowd of cacos.

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3 hours ago, Zesiir said:

You can use a MAPINFO file to mix the music up.

To OP (and whoever reads this and is clueless): don't do this, if you are not mapping for udmf, as MAPINFO is only supported by a handful of ports. Most ports don't support it.

If your target is doom2/boom compatibility, simply add a midi to your .wad, rename it to D_RUNNIN (if it's for map 01) and you are set.

Or use UMAPINFO, but it's a different beast from MAPINFO and is supported much more widely.


Regarding the map: it's funny, but too many invulns make it too trivial. If you want to design fun slaughter combat, I'd say it's better to practice making fights that are engaging but possible without invulns first.

Also you should probably add a warning that intercepts overflow emulation should be disabled for this map ;)


But otherwise, only caring about gameplay and not about visuals is a totally valid approach, as long as you do some effort to make landmark areas look distinct enough so player can understand where in the map he is now.

Edited by Ravendesk

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4 hours ago, Ravendesk said:

Most ports don't support it.


I started out with Boom and that's the technique I used. Perhaps it can be done better.

Edited by Zesiir

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