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Lost Asylum Singleplayer map?


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Hey everyone.


I've been looking for a SP map for Doom 3 for a while now that I suspect got lost a while ago and I'm wondering if anyone still has it.


It's named "Asylum" something. It was a project someone made that I found really impressive, with custom cutscenes, scripted scares and interesting level design. The project was supposedly never finished, but I think it was uploaded to Filefront back in the day. I have fond memories of it, so it would be cool to see if it still exists somewhere.


Anybody recognise this? Cheers.

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I don't remember that one, but I usually collect every Doom 3 custom level I can find. 

Was the setting resembling an asylum? Did it use custom textures/graphics?

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Yes, there were custom textures and graphics. The author was going for a realistic approach.


It started with a cutscene of a car driving up a road, then there's an accident and you start in a road tunnel I think.

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That sounds really interesting, but I think I never played it. The Phantasm mod comes to mind, it starts in a mansion with a mausoleum, but that's probably not the one you are looking for. It has multiple parts and inlcudes scenes with cars. I yet have to play the full stand-alone version.


Maybe Desolated - The Crying Fate ? It also starts with a car cutscene.



Edited by Tetzlaff

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