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[Boom] Sunder For People Who Don't Have Time To Play Sunder

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Really funny "april's fool" ! Quickly revisited some "classic moments" and the feeling is opressive but not in the same way as in original sunder ! Nice doctor evil and mini-me couple !

Edited by apichatpong

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I have played Sunder many times, including five this month alone. I just use Chaos Control to freeze time so I can kill all the enemies. But sometimes I find myself wanting more frozen time for polishing my guns. Thanks to you I can play Sunder in even less time than I already was. This WAD gets the Shadow the Hedgehog Seal of Approval™.



Edited by NecrumWarrior

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To be quite honest. I need this. Between the work schedules having me work most of the day, evenings, nights, evenings, midnights, evenings, evenings, and worst of all, EVENINGS, this is important for me.

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As the resident Sunder enthusiast, I have to say I expected a silly April's Fool wad with truncated levels made by rearranging the maps in the original WAD and was instead met with a great cross of Sunder and Haste, keeping the spirit and key landmarks of the original wad while scaling down the size and making fights that are at times a fresh take that feels so right.

I can wholeheartedly recommend this to everyone who's looking for short and sweet slaughter experiences, newcomers who are scared to tackle the beastly original WAD, or even just fans of the OG Sunder :D What a wonderful homage 



PS: Abandon when? :^)


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For real? I only beat few maps many years ago, let alone completed playing all the maps. So this is definitely going to be good for someone like me!

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I've only played the first couple maps at this point, but so far this is great. I found a softlock in map 2, at the tunnel entrance that looks like a mouth. It's pretty easy to accidentally fall in between the tongue and teeth, and if you do, there's no way out.




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Shoulda titled it "SNDR" :P


I love how each map is perfectly recognizable, on top of being Actually Good(tm) to play. How to correctly make jokewads in 2024.

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It's actually pretty incredible. Great work. Still can't beat any of the fights. How long did you work on this? 50-100 hours per map? ;)

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God I freaking love this. I haven't really played too much of Sunder (I don't have enough time!) but I've idclev'd through all the maps multiple times and good lord these tiny versions are just so cute. And "Honey Mommy" got a cackle out of me.

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I thought this was a complete joke and a fake wad, loaded it and it's actually damn fun. So, thank you for this..



Edited by CacoKnight

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As someone who never played Sunder precisely because of how massive the maps are, this is great to see.

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I really liked Sunder when it was first released but then the maps just got stupid and lost enjoyment viability.

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Hello, I've been playing through this and been impressed with the way you managed to capture the essence of each of the maps (although I'd argue the crusher room in 17 was an integral part of its identity :P).


I have a small bug report on map18, I think your 242 control sector for tag 5 has the wrong ceiling height set. Unless the HOM that is currently showing up there is intended, the correct ceiling height for that control sector was supposed to be 384 instead of 128.


Congratulations on this release, went way above and beyond a simple april fools joke.

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