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The DWIronman League dies to: Deus Vult II

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Category 2 (played 4-5 years ago)

Dead: MAP13

Kills: 87/602
Time: 45:08

Well, I finally finished taxes yesterday and was able to do this month's terrifying ironman. 
Death on map13, too overwhelmed and nervous with heights and especially with the secret that I discovered, a chaingunner killed me without knowing where he was located. 
I really liked how I made map 12, I had to flee from the hell knights with low ammo and no space.
I remembered the first maps better, but after the skip, they were less familiar to me.
Good luck to everyone, and well played this hard Ironman.



Edited by Bertt91

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13 hours ago, DecoyZulu said:

Real quick, how big of a deal is it if I straight up just OBS the attempt and you're forced to listen to Yakuza music in the background?


That sounds like it would be fine. As long as it heeds to the other rules, and if one of the tracks is Baka Mitai. :)

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4 hours ago, NaZa said:


That sounds like it would be fine. As long as it heeds to the other rules, and if one of the tracks is Baka Mitai. :)

I see your scheme, you little saboteur. You want me to listen to Baka Mitai in the hopes I will be emotionally overwhelmed and die early in the run!

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Alright, so that was a disaster. Died on the first map by standing a little too close to some barrels. The music also got drowned out by all the gunfire but I suppose that's fair enough. Tacked on a little something at the end for you guys.


Side note: this WAD is amazing. The double pistols with the Chow Yun Fat shades on Doomguy are perfection. Feels amazing, sounds amazing, looking forward to playing through the WAD more casually. 

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Made a prepared attempt.  Made it to map 12 in about 17 minutes and bit it there because I got impatient.  Not that I would have lasted long entering map 13 at single digit health but I did make it there on an unrecorded practice attempt.  Too bad.


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On 4/22/2024 at 1:41 AM, DecoyZulu said:



Alright, so that was a disaster. Died on the first map by standing a little too close to some barrels. The music also got drowned out by all the gunfire but I suppose that's fair enough. Tacked on a little something at the end for you guys.


Side note: this WAD is amazing. The double pistols with the Chow Yun Fat shades on Doomguy are perfection. Feels amazing, sounds amazing, looking forward to playing through the WAD more casually. 




I have 9 free days (not working) and will be updating the scores soon.

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This run is Category 1.


Dead on: Map 01

Kills: 82/178

Time: 5:50




In the past, I've played a little of Map 21 (Unholy Cathedral) before dying and watched a play-through of Map 23 (Hell's Vendetta). However, since I didn't anticipate reaching either of those maps, I considered this run completely blind. And, indeed, my confidence was borne out, because I died long before reaching a point where I had some foreknowledge of what was coming.


Deus Vult II is a great mapset. Great architecture, great aesthetics, and great encounter design. Map 01 is completely approachable, with plenty of ammo and health. I can see how running ahead will get you killed, as it would be easy to get stuck with facing a bunch of monsters that you ran into around a corner, but it doesn't just try to crush with an onslaught of enemies from all sides while you have only a pistol or a shotgun with a few shells. And even though I died to a simple ambush, it would have been easy enough to handle much better than I did. Initially, I was concerned that this wasn't the best choice for Ironman, but it's actually a reasonable good pick, even if it is quite difficult.

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On 4/16/2024 at 9:49 PM, SleepyVelvet said:

Category 2, but a noble one.  No shame.  Also, Map01's are usually the most hard, and I feel like many people secretly don't post their runs if they die on Map01.  Also, I did good this month so the more uploads the better for me :)


I always post my Map 01 deaths, especially since Alfonzo introduced the Prepared leaderboard years ago, even when those deaths occur in the first minute, or the first room, or to the first monster. I will proudly admit that I'm not very good and that I prefer to play on HNTR or ITYTD. But I come back each month because I find the DWIL fun.

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Posted (edited)

I also always post the early demises I've been having - such as the horrifying run on UNWELCOME I had last year, where I barely broke into the two minute mark - probably for encouragement purposes, as maybe people seeing the host is also prone to exquisite misplay (and isn't ashamed of admitting that) might prove to them that this is, after all, for fun. The table is there, yes, but it's more of a personal progress diary as you can find yourself on there, look at your performances over the months on an organized sheet and stuff. And of course the mini-rivalries were fun to follow back in 2018-19. Sadly, I know for a fact that some runners don't post their early-ended runs as they deem such runs "bad", probably because they're usually decent at speedrunning. I'm not exactly a fan of that because this competition's for fun, and whoever bases a person's competence on their worst DWIL runs shouldn't be taken seriously anyway. Nobody in the League ever judges anyone based on a bad run.* In the end, Asba's run last month is a very good example - and look how Asba bounced back this month. With quite some style. 


Dips in form happen. It's natural. It should be normalized if we don't want this to be overly elitist.


* With a very good run comes pressure to deliver again next month, so that's a bit different. I'd say (having been in that situation and having bottled it) the runner is even more prone to bottling it than usual. I'm sure the League would be 100% understanding of such a run, and wouldn't say the runner has a skill issue.

Edited by NaZa
removed one sentence which was unnecessary

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9 hours ago, Vince Vega said:




I have 9 free days (not working) and will be updating the scores soon.

Standard, Category 1. I may try it a couple more times for a Prepared run later but for now that's all she wrote. You can disqualify the result for my lack of a monsters killed check, that's my bad.

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If ever anyone feels a bit reluctant to post their run, well I posted this, so there’s always something worse :P



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Category 1
Dead on: MAP13

Kills: 95/602

Map entered at: 54:21

Time of death: 62:02



Fun one! Climbing that mountain was just mean trap after mean trap though :(

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ct. 2 (familiar), dead on map12, 23:58



  map stat   kills   items secr     time total sect
MAP01 EXIT 178/178   91/91  4/4 11:31+06 11:31  237
MAP02 DEAD  71/213 100/133  2/6 11:55+20 11:31  216
MAP02 EXIT  71/213 100/133  2/6 11:55+26 23:26  216
MAP03 EXIT   7/291    0/69  0/6  0:32+33 23:58   37
MAP12 DEAD   0/800   0/131  0/3  0:18+12 23:58    9
MAP12 QUIT   0/800   0/131  0/3  0:25+04 23:58    9


"Okay so if I can get through the first two maps I can omit map03 by standing in the fire. I won't last long afterwards but hopefully I'll be far enough into the wad for a decent score"

Some wads give more of an advantage to familiarity than others. This is one of them. You are at a great advantage if you know how to reach the speedrunning exits.

Map01 was straightforward with few dangerous moments. I took the regular exit, having spent extra time collecting health and ammunition to maximise my defence for the next map.

Map02 was quite unfamiliar, I can have played it only once or twice. It was certainly harder than I remembered. After several near-misses, panicked escapes from teleporter traps, large damages from revenant missiles, and getting stuck on a vertex while ambushed by chaingunners at the yellow key, I baulked at facing a busily-resurrecting archvile, and opted instead for the death exit.

Map03's speedrunning exit is fortunately not a problem even if you pistol-start. There is only one building and a few zombies to pass before a gap in the trees allows you off the side of the mountain.

Finally, via a chain of intermediaries I arrived on map12 with next to no health. Unfortunately by choosing to die to exit map02 I had no weapons either, and was quickly eaten by spectres.



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Category 1, Dead on MAP01 with 171 kills.


I really should have safely detonated the barrels before heading into the key room, but they had been so handy & helpful in every other encounter that I ultimately decided to leave them until the monsters showed up. I didn't realize that the objects were actually *stacked* barrels, capable of a lethal blast.


I went back afterwards to at least finish the three E1 maps. All the impassable fences in MAP02 and all the blocking decorations in 03 were kind of annoying, but damn do these levels look great.

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Posted (edited)

I played this wad years ago, but don't remember much of it. Figured I'll give it another go blindly, as I enjoy the challenge of doing so when recording. Didn't go so well as my run was put to an end by a rather bs archvile attack through a wall/column on the 2nd level (I guess it could see the top of my head, but I had no indication of it). I was playing rather sloppy though, so I was lucky I made it that far since there were some close calls beforehand. Probably not the most entertaining run since a lot of time was spent wandering aimlessly for the yellow key in the 2nd map, but it's probably better than my 2nd attempt to do a category 2, which didn't last much longer (Elevator trap). Any who, coming back to this wad was great, as I've forgotten how awesome it's presentation is.


Category: 1

Died: MAP02

Kills: 80/213

Time total: 20:20






Edited by ByRntStarOEI

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