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Gom Jabbar [another minor update 4/2/24]

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Gom Jabbar is a simple Doom 2 format map, designed to be played on most source ports and tested in DSDA-Doom, slapped together in the final six hours of April Fool's Day.


Freelook: not needed

Jumping: see above

IWAD: Doom 2







What's inside the box? Pain.


EDIT: Minor texture fixes, plus some music.

EDIT II: Made exit path a little more obvious.

EDIT The Third: Changed exit mechanic - it now forces a pistol start for the next map (thank you, Matt Eldrydge).

Edited by TheRailgunner [alt]
Minor update info

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Do you dare suggest a Doomguy son is an animal?


"I suggest you may be human." Bunny Gesserit Reverend Mother 



Anyway I saw Dune reference and had to go play it.  Fun, nasty little growing box of pain, I definitely would've been more careful at the beginning if I'd known no health was coming.  I survived the last few waves of monsters clinging to 1% health, mostly didn't need too many reloads except for one bit where I kind of had to game the RNG to keep the spider from shooting :p my bad for being reckless when I could afford to be.  Anyway good times, can feel Feyd and Rabban being brought in with every throw of a button


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Well, I decided to make a couple of minor changes - mostly to make it a little more clear how and where the exit is (thank you Delisk - sorry about that).


Also, am starting to consider adding more maps to this one...assuming I can work in a forced pistol start for the next map without changing map formats.

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