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What was your first violent video game and where did you play it?

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I believe mine would've been Medal of Honor: Rising Sun, which I was introduced to by a friend on their PS2 back in the day.

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Resident Evil Dead Aim on the PS2 when I was 7 years old I think, it scares the shit out of me.

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Mortal Kombat on the Mega Drive. By coincidence I had got hold of a Mega Drive cheat book beforehand with the cheatcodes, and a magazine I had listed the fatalities. I had no clue how you did any special moves and didn't for ages until like a guy who babysat me one time showed me them all, but I was doing the fatalities from day 1 (well, mostly Scorpion's, it was the easiest one to get right.) 

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It was Doom, when I was 5, at my home.

Finding out the cheat codes while reading the FAQ, I found rocket launcher to be fun to use against anything below a pinky's health.

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Monster Bash, which came as a bonus shareware version floppy alongside some other Apogee game I got the registered version of.


I still occasionally lament losing all those red comet label floppies somewhere along the line.

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GTA: Vice City for PS2 (IIRC I was either 7 or 8). My second sibling bought that one and had some fun with it, though not for long as my country only recently warned parents of some violent video games back then.

Needless to say, my parents took it away from her and saved it in their wardrobe. IIRC it either also got sold when my PS2 collection was sold to move to a new city or got destroyed in secret later on.

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I'm pretty sure it was the first Resident Evil game - or at least I can't recall any before then. I would have been about 6 or 7, and I played it was my uncle's. I was raised by grandparents for the first half of my childhood, and he was only 10 years older than me so he still lived at home and let me play his PS1. Started a lifelong love affair with the series and horror as a whole.

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I think it was all 1992 -- Chakan the Forever Man has some violent imagery, but that was also the year Mortal Kombat came out, and the same year I would have downloaded Wolf3d shareware from a BBS.

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Wolfenstein 3D, on my dad's desktop, ~2004.
Never too young to partake in the All-American Pastime of mowing down Them Dang Ol' Nahtzees.

Mom had those Dr. Seuss point and click games on there for me, but Dad was rocking the real shit, and he'd always let me try.

Edited by MEMEAIDS

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It’s likely to either be Hexen (my first Doom engine game) or Warcraft 2. Not long after, I’d try Daggerfall for the first time and that was filled with violence and sexual themes.


(Before any of this, my big brother showed me Akira.)

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I trink would be Counter Strike 1.6 on a local cafe with my cousins when i was 6 or 7 years old. Another that can take the spot would be 007 Goldeneye or Medal of Honor Underground for PSX.

But for Counter Strike 1.6 was playing CS_Assault with Dual Berretas and a MAC 10 like a pro.

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Unreal Tournament '99 - or, as my family called it, 'shoot the nasties' - when I was... I think a little younger than 6, as I got my first PC on my 6th birthday and I remember playing it on my parents' computers.

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21 minutes ago, Novaseer said:

Unreal Tournament '99 - or, as my family called it, 'shoot the nasties'


That's kind of a weird name for it considering that there are not specific "bad-guys" in the game :P

I'm not really sure what would be mine... probably either Monster Bash or Bio Menace? I did play a TON of Wolfenstein 3d slightly before I was old enough (I started drawing swastikas just as random decoration because I didn't know better, lol) but I'm pretty sure that I had already played 2D shooters before that.

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Into the Eagle's Nest (1987), a game where you shoot nazi's from a topdown perspective.

I got the game via a second hand IBM 286 PC, so it must have been around 1990 by the time I played it myself.

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Wolfenstein 3D. I screwed up hard at the beginning and was starting at BJ's bloody face for like 10 minutes until I finally found some medkits

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My dad introduced me and my sister to Diablo when I was in 2nd grade. He had us watch him play through the first one, as doing it together would be too hard with the janky laptops we had. Then we all played Diablo II and III. He also had us read a few big ass books with all the lore behind the game too, I'll never forget the game because of that.

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I got my first PC when I was 8 or 9. My father was bringing a bunch of pirated games from his workmates. One of those was Max Payne, I got grounded for a week when mother saw me playing.

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probably a flash game called Commando 2 on an old IMac when I was maybe like 6-8. It was pretty much a metal slug ripoff, but fun as fuck

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