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BEST Offical level?

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Doom 2: Monster Condo


Sandy Petersen maps can be pretty hit and miss, but this level really nails the puzzle box design of Doom 2.

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12 minutes ago, Bri said:

E4M1: Hell Beneath

One of my favorites too, I don't know all the levals that well to comment but when I'm bored I load this one and E4 in general often to just run around.

Edited by CacoKnight

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Pretty hard to choose, but E1M7 is always my favorite level to play when re-playing Doom 1. E4M1 is also a good choice. Refueling Base is one of my favorites from Doom 2, and No Rest For The Wicked is fantastic from beginning to end.

Edited by SusieGalaxyPrime!

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19 hours ago, Xaser said:

UnderdogMAP16: Deepest Reaches -- For some reason this map often appears in people's "most hated" lists, I guess because the theming & execution is a bit primitive for its time, but try playing it at 320x200 and the visuals totally work ;) -- if you get over that, it's easily one of TNT's best, just a treat to explore.


Adding onto this, 'Blood Jungle' is such a sick OST for this level too. It really matches the starry night sky and the whole spelunking through caves and hell rock theme that TeamTNT was going for. When I was younger this level creeped me out a bit because of the music choice lol. A couple of other TNT levels that are better due to their music choice (in my opinion of course) are MAP02: Human BBQ and MAP31: Pharaoh. Even though MAP31 shares its music track with the intermission screen, there is something about going through Egyptian ruins with a melancholy sound track that really scratches the itch for me whenever I replay TNT.

Edited by Napeyear

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I’ve always had soft spots for ‘Congo’ and ‘Mill’ from Final Doom - they both share a wonderfully unexplainable vibe. 

Doom 2? Hmm… probably isn’t considered a popular choice; however I quite enjoy ‘The Abandoned Mines’.  

For Ultimate Doom, E1 as a whole is just a masterpiece of competent level design, so it’s impossible to pick a single contender. 

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I don't have anything to say about Final Dooms really because I've never fully committed myself to a playthrough of either of them. I try my best but I usually lose interest after about 6 or 7 maps. That being said, WRT to the rest....


1st place - Level 6: Inferno of Blood

2nd place - MAP29: The Living End

3rd place - MAP10: Refueling Base


uhm ;v; click on the spoiler for the rest



in order from best to worst:


E2M6: Halls of the Damned

Level 3: Canyon of the Dead

E3M3: Pandemonium

Black Tower (BLACKTWR.WAD)

E3M7: Limbo

E2M7: Spawning Vats

MAP24: The Chasm

E2M2: Containment Area

Level 9: March of the Demons

E3M4: House of Pain

Level 4: Hell Mountain

Level 5: Vivisection

Trapped on Titan (TTRAP.WAD)

Level 7: Baron's Banquet

E4M5: They Will Repent

Level 1: The Earth Base

MAP28: The Spirit World

MAP07: Dead Simple



E3M6: Mt. Erebus

MAP09: The Pit

MAP25: Bloodfalls

MAP08: Tricks and Traps

E2M3: Refinery

E4M8: Unto the Cruel

E3M5: Unholy Cathedral

E4M6: Against Thee Wickedly

MAP26: The Abandoned Mines

E1M9: Military Base

MAP15: Industrial Zone

Virgil's Lead (VIRGIL.WAD)

MAP13: Downtown

MAP11: Circle of Death / O of Destruction

MAP20: Gotcha!

MAP27: Monster Condo

MAP17: Tenements

E1M1: Hangar

Level 8: Tomb of Malevolence

MAP22: The Catacombs

E1M6: Central Processing

Minos' Judgement (MINOS.WAD)

E1M7: Computer Station

Level 2: The Pain Labs

MAP23: Barrels o' Fun

E1M3: Toxin Refinery

MAP12: The Factory

E4M7: And Hell Followed

MAP16: Suburbs

E1M5: Phobos Lab

E1M4: Command Control


MAP19: The Citadel

E1M2: Nuclear Plant

MAP18: The Courtyard

MAP21: Nirvana

The Express Elevator to Hell (TEETH.WAD)

MAP14: The Inmost Dens

MAP03: The Gantlet

E2M5: Command Center


E4M9: Fear

MAP01: Entryway

E3M8: Dis

MAP06: The Crusher

E4M4: Unruly Evil

E3M2: Slough of Despair


Bad Dream (TEETH.WAD)

E3M9: Warrens

E2M8: Tower of Babel


Bloodsea Keep (BLOODSEA.WAD)

Titan Manor (MANOR.WAD)

E2M1: Deimos Anomaly

The Combine (COMBINE.WAD)


The Fistula (FISTULA.WAD)

MAP02: Underhalls

MAP05: The Waste Tunnels


E4M3: Sever the Wicked

E4M1: Hell Beneath

MAP04: The Focus

E2M4: Deimos Lab

E1M8: Phobos Anomaly

Mephisto's Maosoleum (MEPHISTO.WAD)

The Catwalk (CATWALK.WAD)

The Garrison (GARRISON.WAD)

MAP32: Grosse

E3M1: Hell Keep

E2M9: Fortress of Mystery

MAP30: Icon of Sin

E1M10: Sewers

MAP31: Wolfenstein

MAP33: Betray



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I haven't played all of the official maps, but TNT map09: stronghold is my favorite. Straight up slaughter map, the most enemies in a single map out of all iwads. All of them are low tier enemies, iirc the map doesn't use any enemy other than a hitscanner, an imp or a pinky, and they are really easy to pop rapidly with the SSG and chaingun. It's almost junkfood-like gameplay but the map is punishing enough to careless players that it doesn't feel like it takes zero effort to enjoy the slaughter. So, it's just a fun map to me

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Refuelling Base from Doom 2 always sticks in my head. Expansive, rewards exploration, multiple routes, and action packed to boot. Cleans out the sour taste that Map09 tends to leave in my mouth, can't bring myself to like anything but the midi for The Pit.

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My personal favorites from each of the IWADs:
Ultimate Doom: E2M2 (Containment Area)
Doom 2: MAP27 (Monster Condo)

Plutonia: A tough choice, but probably MAP18 (Neurosphere). MAP23 (Tombstone) is very good also.

TNT: MAP13 (Nukage Processing), but the entire 2nd episode is amazing.

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On 4/3/2024 at 9:27 PM, Xaser said:

Big Text! Says Xaser


Aw, no Master Levels section? :p


I always found Plutonia's Map 15 to be harder than 31 or 32, catches me every single playthrough. I have good memories of showing off Go 2 It to my brother and school friends when I had Doom 95 though, everyone was always 'how the hell does anyone beat that without IDDQD!?' which lead to it becoming a legendary challenge. First time I ever beat Plutonia, I was nervous as hell getting to it due to that past, then...I cleared it relatively easily.

Edited by Devalaous

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Hey, thats me!

Anyway, thecrusher, e2m2, and e1m8 have to be my favorites

Edited by DemonCake

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Doom 2: Gotta hand it to my boy The Pit
Doom 1: Gonna go with a conventional answer here and say E1M7
Ultimate Doom: E4M1

Haven't really played Final Doom much tbh

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I remember the surprise and adrenaline rush I had when I first played through Doom 2's 'Dead Simple'. I'm not sure how would I go about picking the best map out of all official WADs, but this one is one of the most memorable for sure.

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