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Please calm down with the "Community Project" abbreviation

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I gotta admit, this is probably the first time I’ve made the connection between the abbreviation and the sinister meaning authorities would take interest in.

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I've definitely been trying to use either the full name "community project" or something similar like just "Doom project" if I want to shorten the syllable count because I absolutley share your discomfort in just saying "CP"

I've been only been introduced to the larger mapping community very recently (like 3 years ago) so I unfortunately was aware about the other meaning of CP LOOONG before knowing about maps like Alien Vendetta or Eviternity

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Honestly I've been thinking the same thing too for a while, Doomworld's gotta be on a list or something by this point. 

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1 minute ago, LuciferSam86 said:

What about DP? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Doom Project


Oh man, that's spicy

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Next you're gonna tell us that we can't use the term "map" because of pedophiles trying to use the acronym MAP to "legalize" themselves.

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Posted (edited)

I remember the time when I understood, by myself, the RC abbreviation : in some twisted and silly way, I felt like I was entering the second circle among nine of the doom community so, please, tell me there is no dark side to RC ! (don't  know what CP mean  to fbi, don't  want to)


Edit : oh yeah... got it. In France it is PI so beware, mathematicians !

Edited by apichatpong

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Not using an acronym just because it also means something else is dumb. Pretty sure it also stands for many other things in many other communities (I know at least 2 other meanings).

By the way, do you know the acronym of Serious Sam? It's something very scary!! Should never abbreviate it as well!!!!

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Posted (edited)

hey man, listen, the only maps and cp im concerned with are the Map Layouts and community projects here on doomworld.

Edited by SkeletronMK666

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I really love playing and making Doom maps, I'm a mapping attracted person

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You know what, you're right, it does get confusing when I'm talking about CP databases and others assume I'm talking about community projects. I propose we change it to "Community Sounds, Art, & Maps."

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This thread feels like it emerged from a wormhole to 2005

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Misuse of the "Civil Protection" abbreviation is punishable by reduction of rations for 2 months.



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i remember posting this a few years ago and immediately being abused by several prominent members of the community lol

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Posted (edited)

I once said to my friend (who is addicted to anime) "I made myself a bacon and cheese sandwich for lunch today, lettuce included. I didn't have any tomatoes, though. So instead of a BLT sandwich, it's just a BL sandwich." (BL is an obscure genre of Japanese Gay Pornography). And therefore, my friend pointed that out.
All's I gotta say is we make a ton of acronyms and abbreviations with connotations linking to suspicious topics. I don't think we have much to worry about.

Edited by EPICALLL
changed "ham" to "bacon"

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, YeOldeFellerNoob said:

I do NOT want to wake up, scroll through DOOMWorld, and see Mr. DOOMAss69 comment to BingDOOMMaster "Can you please send me a link to your CP submission?" I swear I feel sorry for these guys because they probably got the FBI on their back simply because they want to submit a map for a community project.

I'm sure the tired old 60 year-old agent in charge of monitoring Doomworld for its stash of monitoring Doomworld just got an erection while reading that.


On a more serious note, this entire thing is silly as shit. If you can't disassociate the term in your head, that's one thing, but it shouldn't be a case where everyone else has to do it too, especially since this site is about as kid-unfriendly as it gets anyway. Bunch of fucking nerds for a game that's old enough to be a child's mom/dad, almost twice over - real hotbed of exploitation, alright.


Part of the problem with culture as a whole over the last 10-15 years is that it seems like in their rush to promote inclusivity (which is a good thing - nobody should feel marginalized), people feel the need to tell other people how they should force that on people, or phrase stuff in a specifically contrived way, or use alternative words to describe something. This is all fine on a personal level, but TERRIBLE at a blanket level. This is no different from any other form of censorship in my book - it's telling other people what to think or how to feel, and trying to use morality to prop it up by making the other person feel bad if they don't go along with it, which is nothing short of a guilt-trip. It's one thing to not be a dick to your fellow human, but it's another entirely to project what you feel is right onto others and expect them to do it for whatever reason you come up with. Suppose that I'm colorblind, and I tell you that talking about red or green things is offensive to me because I can't see those colors. It starts getting pretty ridiculous to apply that to every person who says they're colorblind, doesn't it? Especially when some of them CAN see some of those colors just fine?


TL;DR: Nothing wrong with asking nicely, but expecting people to follow the beat of your drum and to be just fine with it is why the culture wars of today are as bad as they fucking are. At some point you just gotta accept some people are gonna be different from your values and deal with it.

Edited by Dark Pulse

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4 hours ago, YeOldeFellerNoob said:

I swear I feel sorry for these guys because they probably got the FBI on their back simply because they want to submit a map for a community project.

This is only a problem if you have your head up your ass. It's fine.

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