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What megawads do you replay the most?

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I always go back and replay Memento Mori 2, Ozonia, Anomaly Report and Eviternity 1. Great looking levels and excellent soundtracks to boot too.


EDIT: Since iwads are being listed too, I replay Ultimate Doom (primarily Episode 1 lol), Doom 2 and No Rest for the Living quite a bit.

Edited by Lizardcommando

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IWADs aside, Eviternity II is the only megaWAD I've completed twice so I guess it goes to that by default.

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Memento Mori 1/2, Anomaly Report, 25 Years on Earth, Community Chest 4, Revilution, Doom 2: Reloaded, Czechbox, Doom 404, Mars War, Perdition's Gate, Speed of Doom, Demonfear.

Not sure if this one counts, but NRFTL is one of my favorites too.

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To lust for the sun is to chase something much bigger than you, something that the current version of you cannot handle. Its radiance attracts you like a magnet, it ignites a burning passion in you that consumes your mind and drives your reason for existence. The painful part is that flying too close might just burn you up and leave behind nothing but white hot ash.


I think I'll play Sunlust again soon, if only for the sake of Chasing Suns.

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I don't really replay WADs, but I think I'll consider replaying Epic 2, as that one has a strong difficulty curve which starts out mild and gets to slaughter, but only a step or two at a time so it doesn't have as many shocking spikes (*cough* Scythe *cough*)

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Posted (edited)

The megawad that I've replayed the most is Eternal Doom III. Earlier this year I did sort of a map analysis marathon where I played each level on HNTR, HMP, and UV from pistol start to get my foot back in the door with mapping and design philosophy (technically beating the WAD 3 times over a period of a month or two). I chose Eternal Doom III for this analysis because I remember always being awestruck at the size and complexity of many levels, and the resource pack included was always one of my favorites (the status bar remains to this day my all time favorite piece of custom doom content). I liked beating each level from easy to hard before progressing to the next map, looking at the maps in UDB to check out the crazy progression that goes on throughout that wad, trying to examine the routing the authors of each level intended the player to follow, and I enjoyed looking at all the tricks that TeamTNT uses to really push the boundaries of the vanilla engine (for its time anyways).


The scale of many levels (especially when you look in the map editor) is really quite impressive, especially for a project that released all the way back in 1997 (technically '96 if you start from ED1 & 2). Some of the secrets are pretty obscure too, my favorite being in MAP05: Time Gate where the secret door at the start of the level doesn't open until 5 minutes into the level, and uses a 'safety hatch opens in 5 minutes' computer screen to give the player a clue for the secret. If you're too late and shoot the door you get a funny easter egg where the computer changes texture saying 'Frag you too! :(' . Another awesome idea were the exit portals that can take you to different locations where the player dies if you choose incorrectly. (The original concept for this level, and really the entire interview with Sverre Kvernmo that still exists on DW is also really intriguing as well.)


And yeah it goes without saying that it isn't WAD for every Doom player, as a lot of needless backtracking to activate certain linedefs (even when there is no visual cue) is a common occurance and some of the later levels are absolutely massive and cryptic, made even worse if you don't know where to go (cough Excalibur), but overall is a WAD that I come back too every now and again when I need inspiration for a puzzle or examples of certain vanilla tricks (ie: self referencing sectors, shootable walls, insta drop in floors etc, doors that swing open) or when I want to see some badass medieval set pieces. I thought the theme of the WAD was really creative and cool too, time travel where you go to the dark ages to kill demons in massive medieval castles (MAP12: Darkdome) and then later you break into a demonic bank? (MAP27: Beginner's End) Hell yeah!


The soundtrack kicks my ass every time I load into a random level. Though I swear when I lay down at night I have the OST from Silures and Excalibur stuck in my head sometimes when I can't fall asleep, and backtracking through those levels once they are cleared of monsters feels like a liminal space of their own to me. I think this is fitting considering the many hours I spent trying to figure out each level and what the hell Bob Evans was thinking when he designed those two levels lol. I remember when I first played Eternal Doom III when I was younger, and it was the first WAD to make me go wow this is free? I didn't have to pay a dime for this map pack?

Edited by Napeyear

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Of course Doom 2. The megawad I think I have replayed the most. It never gets old or bored.


Then comes Ultimate Doom and Speed of Doom also. But not like Doom 2.

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Good Morning Phobos, specifically just for Map 31 just so I can test out combinations of weapon mods and/or enemy mods that I pulled from ZDoom forums and see if they mesh well together.

Edited by VoanHead

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Rush (minus the final map), Scythe (skipping 28 most of the time), Tangerine Nightmare during autumn every year, Biowar, and I never go too long without playing a random Plutonia level.


Knee Deep in the Dead annually too. 

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I keep finding myself going back to Icarus: Alien Vanguard. Must be the story that's implied to be told in it that keeps me coming back. It's a bit awkward as is most TeamTNT work but man does it set a mood and go from start to conclusion.


Before I was replaying AUGER;ZENITH, Ray Mohawk 2, replayed Echelon after initially bouncing off it (is it meant to be continuous or pistol start?), and played Lost Civilisation a couple of times (once as is and once with Treasure Tech) prior to the development of Headless Chicken.

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Skillsaw for the win, lol. AA, Valiant, and Lunatic are my faves. Would love to revisit Heartland because that was truly amazing. Select maps from Sunlust and Eviternity. But also just other games for palette cleansers, largely AOE 2 and Bioshock.

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Also, for me, if the soundtrack doesn’t grab me it doesn’t matter how juicy the maps are, I’ll seek out something that bops so in that regard, BTSX 2 is something I revisit constantly.

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Not megawads, but I replay Crumpets, Antaresian Reliquary, Hell Ground, and Paradise pretty often.


 For actual megawads: Sunlust, Eviternity, Valiant, Nostalgia, Kama Sutra, Epic 2, Resurgence, and Scythe 2 are megawads I've completed more than once and enjoy coming back to.

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No Rest for the Living, Sigil 1, Back to Saturn X E1, Doom 64 for Doom II, Arrival, Alien Vendetta, Doom Zero, Knee-Deep in Knee-Deep in ZDoom, Plutonia 2, TNT Revilution, Scythe II, No End in Sight, Deathless, Beta Labs 1 and 2, Auger Zenith...


I think that's all the ones I frequently revisit

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I rarely actually play through a whole megawad, but ones I consistently revisit to play a stretch of maps/specific maps include Alien Vendetta, HR2, DTWID/LE/D2TWID, STRAIN, Anomaly Report, Eternal Doom III, Plutonia 2 and loads more I'm forgetting. 

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Posted (edited)

Alien Vendetta, Eternal Doom, and Epic 2.

Edited by Naan

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Posted (edited)

Valiant, Ancient Aliens, Avactor, Urania, Good Morning Phobos, Going Down, Doom 2 in Spain Only, Struggle, and Wilster's megawads. Added Eviternity 2 to the list, because it's that fucking good.

Edited by Firedust

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Accent Aliens, Eviternity I, and sometimes the TNT Revolution and Devolution.Wads

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Doom 1 and 2 IWADs, I've played them countless times. They are always classic, and always relaxing. I seldom play add-on megawads because I prefer standalone maps.

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If not counting the originals (Doom 1 especially), it's BTSX 1 and Sunlust for me. They're just so good. I'll have to try some of the things mentioned here.

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