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Arena-based Combat Doom Wad

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Is there any Doom wad that is similar to Doom 2016 and Eternal's combat that usually takes place in a multiplayer-like arena?(bonus points if it utilises freelook and jumping) I enjoy playing Embers of Armegaddon and Doom 4 Vanilla together and thought that it would be perfect to complete the experience. So please, if you have suggestions, tell me. I would be happy to play anything you give me.

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Memory isnt perfect but I want to say Azazels Second Decent was almost nothing but lock in arenas followed by lock in arenas for a full 33 map set. Think it may have been pretty vanilla too so maybe it will work well for you with mods.

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9 hours ago, Insaneprophet said:

Memory isnt perfect but I want to say Azazels Second Decent was almost nothing but lock in arenas followed by lock in arenas for a full 33 map set. Think it may have been pretty vanilla too so maybe it will work well for you with mods.

Seems 'bout right

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