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Plutonia: The Way We Remember It (RELEASE)

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Seems like I come out of semi-inactivity (still gonna be less active) to see it finished! Congratulations to everyone else who worked on this!

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I think the project was going on for around a year, and most of the time I had been thinking I took map04 slot, I thought so until the recent months of development, then I double-checked and found out it was Map03.



Edited by SilverMiner

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Congrats on the release !!!

DO you have a list of which mapper make which map or recreated the music? 

I was trying to find in the original thread - but is seems that the fisrt post is not updated and things naturally changed during the development :( 

I'm asking this, just because I like to know :) 

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40 minutes ago, Flower_XD said:

Congrats on the release !!!

DO you have a list of which mapper make which map or recreated the music? 

I was trying to find in the original thread - but is seems that the fisrt post is not updated and things naturally changed during the development :( 

I'm asking this, just because I like to know :) 


I do have it, I'll try to find a place to put it on this thread later tomorrow (if I remember). If the list has a link to the map, that means it was submitted under the author. As I am aware there are only maybe a few slots that I never properly updated (at least I think!)

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So, through the first 12 maps and I reckon Plutonia's constant association with Revenants, Chaingunners, and Archviles has affected people's memories haha. There's a few fights that are harder than the original (ending of map 09... Jesus).

Also, here's any bugs that I've found:
Map 04 - You're softlocked when you get the MegaArmour secret, as the lift doesn't go back down.

No more bugs... but Go 2 It is uh, wow. 

Double edit:
OK more bugs:
Map 16 - The monsters don't spawn in after grabbing the yellow key

Map 17 - The SSG platform is a damaging floor when it shouldn't be.
Map 22 - The walkway doesn't lower down when you try to walk across it. You can also get softlocked on the left side because of this.

Also... map 27. Jesus Christ...

Edited by Flyxolydian

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On 4/8/2024 at 4:25 AM, Flyxolydian said:

So, through the first 12 maps and I reckon Plutonia's constant association with Revenants, Chaingunners, and Archviles has affected people's memories haha. There's a few fights that are harder than the original (ending of map 09... Jesus).

Also, here's any bugs that I've found:
Map 04 - You're softlocked when you get the MegaArmour secret, as the lift doesn't go back down.

No more bugs... but Go 2 It is uh, wow. 

Double edit:
OK more bugs:
Map 16 - The monsters don't spawn in after grabbing the yellow key

Map 17 - The SSG platform is a damaging floor when it shouldn't be.
Map 22 - The walkway doesn't lower down when you try to walk across it. You can also get softlocked on the left side because of this.

Also... map 27. Jesus Christ...

To be fair to map27 it is also painful in the original (even though I honestly couldn't beat this version when testing it)


Map names and authors are now added, and all bugs should be fixed (hopefully!).

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12 hours ago, Engired said:

To be fair to map27 it is also painful in the original (even though I honestly couldn't beat this version when testing it)


Map names and authors are now added, and all bugs should be fixed (hopefully!).


Yeah I got it done saveless in the end, along with the rest of the WAD.

Had a blast going through this guys, there was some beautifully cursed content in this one. 

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On 4/6/2024 at 7:27 PM, Engired said:

After another year of development, the Plutonia Experiment, recreated from memory, is finally done.

32 new maps, new graphics, and even some recreations of the Plutonia Midi Pack. After all these years

this will be my final community project in this series, and I hope this is the best outing yet!


Drat, no Master Levels for a full set :p


Still hoping the Ultimate Doom one gets music by memory and a by-memory recreation of Sewers, like how Betray got one. But yeah, I enjoyed the Doom 2 one and have the TNT one lined up for when my arm heals, now ive got this too~

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if there were a master levels edition of this project it would have to be called master levels the way it should have been 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fun experiment: try to run original Plutonia speed demos with this WAD and see which ones get the farthest.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Final video, I got through all the maps.

Ironically that this is my 420th video, as it felt like the mapper was smoking something



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