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[Final] McDoomguy's Slaughterific Sample Platter (Release Thread)

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hi mfg38! hopefully this is the final update of my map [map13: revy reverie (version 1.018)]. the update addresses the soft-lock found by [ladymistdragon], some texture alignments (udb's texture auto-alignment feature does not work with my map, i had to manually align the textures wall by wall), and some qol improvements (switches now have sound). no additional monsters were added. tqvm.

[download here]

change log:


1.018.map.difficulty.easiest.remove resources to prevent overflooding.wad
1.017.debug.pool of dried tears.rocketlauncher dais.texture.tidyup.wad
1.016.debug.map.texture alignments.wad
1.014.skelly's jaw.switches.action pass throughs.replace with voodoo conveyors.wad
1.013.pool of dried tears.last switch.make voodoo conveyor to remove visual bug.wad
1.012.exit.pickup nook.remove to minimise shelter.wad
1.011.map.title.letters.v.standardise with master template.wad
1.009.junction 2.pickup nook.pickups.reshuffle.wad
1.008.junction 2.teleport closet.teleport.change silent to fog.wad
1.006.debug.junction 2.floor trap.should not be escapable.wad
1.005.debug.floor trap.upper wall.texture.should not drop.wad
1.004.debug.map.unknown textures.remove.wad

Edited by rita remton

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21 hours ago, Beubeu said:



Does anyone knows how to fix this ? This only appear on gzdoom, nothing to report on ds-da

hi! i don't know if this is related. if you used sky transfers, you must assign sky transfers to all sectors that uses the sky and not just sector tag 0. hopefully this helps :)

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On 4/10/2024 at 9:05 PM, rita remton said:

hi! thanks mfg38 and all mappers+contributers for the release! currently playing it. found a possible bug in [map06: void park] by @Amiga Angel as per screenshot. note: please disregard the fps count since i was in [i_timescale=0.1] to properly screenshot the bug. will post more if i find any more bugs later (i can't finish the entire megawad in one day).


fixed version




the sniper action in the other map is intentional

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i continued with map21, and played till map28. the following bugs found:

map23: temple of bullets by @Beubeu.

the visual bug have already been addressed by him earlier in the post.

map28: Doom Guy's Deicide by @Yagacaw.

i found soft-locks as per below. i could not finish the level since its difficulty exceeds my amateur-level playing skills. i gave up after dying many times in the same room in [hmp].



that's all. please note that i would not be able to continue with the playtesting after this since i don't have the skills to play pacifist (map29), and knowing full well [arsinikk]'s maps are far beyond my playing capabilities. tq.


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3 minutes ago, rita remton said:

please note that i would not be able to continue with the playtesting after this since i don't have the skills to play pacifist (map29), and knowing full well [arsinikk]'s maps are far beyond my playing capabilities. tq.


No worries, the bug reports you've posted so far are appreciated. I was barely able to beat most of the maps that ended up in Episode 3 legitimately myself.

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4 hours ago, rita remton said:

map23: temple of bullets by @Beubeu.

the visual bug have already been addressed by him earlier in the post.


What your source port pls ?

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9 hours ago, Beubeu said:


What your source port pls ?


gzdoom 4.10. will not update to 4.11 due to news of rampant problems when played with existing wads.

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Released RC4 with fixes to MAPs 06, 13, 19 and 23. Download link in OP has been updated.

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On 4/14/2024 at 2:54 PM, rita remton said:

map28: Doom Guy's Deicide by @Yagacaw.

i found soft-locks as per below. i could not finish the level since its difficulty exceeds my amateur-level playing skills. i gave up after dying many times in the same room in [hmp].





Thanks for playing my level and finding those softlocks!

here is an updated version of the level 

Update change list:
-added impassible lines around decorations in the Item Shop
-removed softlocking decorations near cyberdemon grid
-added extra items at hotfix areas as a tip of the Hat to the playtester who found it

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Figured I'd mention that I streamed the whole WAD on Twitch (Tuesday and Thursday).




I did come across some bugs and stuff, although for the first stream I was playing RC3.


Stuff I ran into / notable comments:




  • I found the progression of this map very confusing. Didn't realise that there were black lines around the fountain, and that made it even more confusing when it's required to step into the fountain. Not really a bug, but figured I'd mention it.
  • The pits with the pinkies now have a black texture around them in RC4, when they were untextured (flat bleed) in RC3. Unsure if this is intentional or not.


  • There's a pretty big slimetrail in software in a certain area.


  • There's a big slimetrail? (kinda looks like a midtex, so i'm not sure) near start, when you turn around after grabbing the shotgun.
  • I assume it's intentional that you cannot climb the stairs to the green armour due to a too close lamb and its infinite height.


  • In my playthrough I ran into the issue of a monster getting stuck in a room due to the effect 10 door closing, but it has since been fixed in RC4.


  • This may have been fixed in RC4, but I ran into a weird progression issue relating to the switches near the rocket launcher.


  • Map had quite of bit of blocking corpses which felt strange to me
  • Not really a bug, but felt there was very little health in the map. So little so I thought I'd mention it.


  • Liked the pacifist concept, didn't really like how there wasn't an easy way to kill the archviles at the end. Prob would be pretty easy to do with an mbf21 change to kill floor.


  • Don't know if it's a DSDA Doom bug or intentional behaviour, but for this map you can stand where the sector effect 10 door comes down and it'll stop when it hits you, so you can do both sides of the map.
  • You can grab all items except for one invuln at the north. Prob don't care about all items, but figured I'd mention it anyway.


  • Right before the big north area, there's a lighting slimetrail to the right of the lowering section.
  • Idk if it's really an issue, but it's weird to see rockets half stuck in the side rocks in the north area before you grab the BFG.
  • So not a bug, just some feedback. Don't know if I'm a fan of the start area. Specifically if you raise up the pillars at the start but don't jump immediately forward, you will mostly likely get softlocked from monsters blocking you. Double for when you teleport back from the north area, I'm sure if you were doing UV-speed, since you teleport back to the start, you'd potentially get blocked in if you left monsters alive. As a result you'd wanna make sure to kill all enemies at the start or else you'd get fucked later. But that'd be quite a bit of a time sink.


  • So I'm not sure what happened, but when I first played this on RC4, I got softlocked after hitting all the lightpost switches. However I haven't been able to recreate it since. Essentially I shot all 4 lamppost switches and then the map didn't end. Looking in the editor perhaps it was like an original Sigil issue where one of the shoot triggers was hit but not the second? or maybe I hit the shoot switches too fast? I'm not really sure tbh.


  • It's extremely minor, but in the waterfall secret, if you look back you can see a waterfall midtexture bleed into the floor on software.


  • I assume I don't understand some kind of engine quirk or something, but I'm unsure of how to beat this map.


  • Pillars with Archviles start out as HOMs until they lower. I assume this is a software thing.


  • This is one of the few maps I didn't UV-max because I was confused about the layout/progression. -shrug- sorry


  • I would say this is the hardest map of the wad. I wouldn't dare to do this legit... especially for being so long. My short review is great idea, but I think it lasts for far too long. Guess I should mention the "tutorial" of shooting the tiny pillar to start was lost on me; had to look up what to do in the editor.


  • Noticed a few midtexture bleeds when reaching the top.


  • I don't exactly understand the progression of this map after a certain point. The beginning makes sense, but getting around the AVs and then after hitting the switch the cyber, I kinda got lost on progression.


  • If Large Cat didn't tell me that the player eventually wraps around the map, I wouldn't have figured this map out.


  • Nope.


  • Is there an easy way to tell which ledge holds the exit switch? or does the player have to check each ledge until they find it?


  • I skipped this map because I couldn't figure out where to go at the start.


  • I think I did this map correctly, but I guess you need to do it in 30 seconds? Yeah, sorry, not doing that.


  • This map scared me, so I skipped it. Sorry, not a big fan of this kind of platforming.



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5 hours ago, Arsinikk said:



Stuff I ran into / notable comments:

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  • I think I did this map correctly, but I guess you need to do it in 30 seconds? Yeah, sorry, not doing that.



It's 50 seconds, actually, the ceiling takes 20 seconds to lower and prevent you from exiting. So it's 30 seconds ( action 10) + 20 seconds (lowering).

also, damn, I wish I was on that stream, love seeing ppl play my maps live.

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6 hours ago, Arsinikk said:

Figured I'd mention that I streamed the whole WAD on Twitch (Tuesday and Thursday).


It was very amusing hearing your confused noises while playing my map :P (MAP32) The solution you found wasn't actually what I originally intended, where you'd


shoot the barrels while they were going down the conveyor belt but not too close to the voodoo dolls to hurt them.

I did find the solution you found while I was making the map, but I left it in anyways as a valid alternate solution. I wonder how many people beat it this way vs. my original intentions.

Edited by Plerb

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On 4/20/2024 at 11:12 PM, Walter confetti said:


Minor fixing to the map at the rita's bugs she found during her's map run.

Hope this time will be less painful to play!

imo your map is not bad at all. it's just me being really awful at finding hidden stuff. usually out of say 10 secrets in a map, i usually find 1-3, and mostly accidental. i'm so bad at searching for secrets that even in my own maps (except for my last map, [revy reverie] because i wanted to try something different), i didn't even use slightly different/misaligned textures for hidden doorways, different coloured torches etc, but instead resorted to using 6x6mu or 16x16mu plaques as markers for hidden switches/doors/etc :P

i sincerely apologise if any words of mine felt out of place. i narrated my own playing experience but that is not an excuse for bad manners (in this case, bad choice of words). tq.

Edited by rita remton

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2 hours ago, rita remton said:

i sincerely apologise if any words of mine felt out of place. i narrated my own playing experience but that is not an excuse for bad manners (in this case, bad choice of words). tq.

No, no, i wasn't offended at all, actually! Just a bad choice of words (that's a thing that happens to me also irl)... Btw, now Is more easier understand where to go

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On 4/20/2024 at 11:39 AM, Arsinikk said:

Figured I'd mention that I streamed the whole WAD on Twitch (Tuesday and Thursday).




I did come across some bugs and stuff, although for the first stream I was playing RC3.


Stuff I ran into / notable comments:

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  • I found the progression of this map very confusing. Didn't realise that there were black lines around the fountain, and that made it even more confusing when it's required to step into the fountain. Not really a bug, but figured I'd mention it.
  • The pits with the pinkies now have a black texture around them in RC4, when they were untextured (flat bleed) in RC3. Unsure if this is intentional or not.

the black lines are part of the void concept and the black texture is intentional in case it still raises slow enough for people to see it in action, I did raise the speed of them quite a bit though

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On 4/20/2024 at 9:39 AM, Arsinikk said:


  • This may have been fixed in RC4, but I ran into a weird progression issue relating to the switches near the rocket launcher. 

i'll look into that because i've never encountered any progression issues relating to the switches before. only visual bugs. thanks for the catch!

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On 4/21/2024 at 4:29 PM, rita remton said:

i'll look into that because i've never encountered any progression issues relating to the switches before. only visual bugs. thanks for the catch!

i've checked, and the progression issue has been resolved in rc4 (not related to the switches, but was caused by a floor trap if cheesed). even if it is somehow related to the switches near the rocket launcher, the mechanism of the switches has been updated from linedef action "pass-throughs" to the more reliable voodoo conveyors. tq.

Edited by rita remton

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RC5 is out with updates to MAPs 12, 17, 20 and 28. As usual, the download link in the OP has been updated.


That looks to be the majority of the critical issues ironed out, so I'm thinking the next release will be the final version that'll also go up on /idgames.

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@MFG38 Would it be possible to add some sort of disclaimer thing to the intermission screen before my map? (Map41 Flux). I watched @Arsinikk’s stream recording of it and realized that the 50 second exit timer thing is very obscure and hard to figure out. Just adding something like “Caution: this map must be beaten in under 50 seconds” would be nice.

Edited by LSC Lasico

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11 minutes ago, LSC Lasico said:

@MFG38 Would it be possible to add some sort of disclaimer thing to the intermission screen before my map? (Map41 Flux). I watched @Arsinikk’s stream recording of it and realized that the 50 second exit timer thing is very obscure and hard to figure out. Just adding something like “Caution: this map must be beaten in under 50 seconds” would be nice.


I'll think about it.

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55 minutes ago, LSC Lasico said:

Would it be possible to add some sort of disclaimer thing to the intermission screen before my map? (Map41 Flux)

Not really sure that would really help... Since ports like dsda doom only show the intermission before the next map in such a short time window.


I know it may seem a little stupid, but you could add it to the map name like "Flux in 50 Seconds" or something... Or at least use the automap (or automap text) to give the hint.


It's a little tricky to convey the idea to the player, since the map adheres to so many limitations.

Edited by Arsinikk

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@MFG38 I updated my map. Fixed some misalignments and changed some textures. It also contains a modified umapinfo lump that now notifies the player that the map must be beaten in 50 seconds on the automap.



@Arsinikk At one point you said on your stream something like "I wonder why the sky texture in this map shows up so late" when playing it, so I want to explain the intent. I actually planned this sky showing up as a sort of crescendo to the whole map. Notice how with you going up higher, the map becomes brighter, this eventually leads to the player ascending to the highest point in the map where they can clearly see the sky as a reward for completing the map, which is why I went to great lengths to NOT make the central pillar the exit, so the player could have the chance and time to look at the sky from a comfortable vantage point. Kind of like, the player suffered a lot in this map and went all this way, then they kinda look at the sky and slightly smile/chuckle. That was the intent.


Edited by LSC Lasico

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