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How do i edit the text you get telling you of the story of the game ? , i also wanna see if there is any way i can add voice lines like in duke nukem 3d 

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This is slightly complicated and understanding it may take a little time to read and absorb.


The levels of Doom 1 and Doom 2 are divided into clusters: Map 01-06 is Cluster 1, Map 07-11 is Cluster 2, Map's 12-20 are cluster 3, 20-30 Cluster 4, etc. The intermission text is programmed to play on the transition from one cluster to another.


Using Slade 3, you can define either a MAPINFO lump or a UMAPINFO lump - put this outside of any level definition lumps - after a BLOCKMAP entry, not in the middle to avoid creating bad pointers and corrupting the map data. Here's an example MAPINFO from one of my maps:


You will need to include the map slot (in my case, MAP11), and specify the music (I copied in a midi which I renamed D_STLKS2 so it replaces the music), next level, secretnext level, and sky, and maybe a couple other things. You don't need to include par, lightmode and nojump and nocrouch.

map MAP11 "Control Tower"
          music = "D_STLKS2"
		  next = "MAP12"
		  secretnext = "MAP31"
	      sky1 = "SKY1", 0.0
	      cluster = 2
	      par = 3300
		  lightmode = 2

clusterdef 2
 flat = FLOOR4_6
exittext = "Shutting down the flow of energy ",
"to the fire shield produced a violent backlash. ",
"You awaken hours later, surprised to be alive, ",
"although all your equipment was trashed.",
"Your victory has allowed humanity to escape, ",
"and now you are the last human on the planet." ,
"" ,
"But then, Earth Control beams down a ",
"message from space: ''Sensors have located ",
"the source of the alien invasion. If you ",
"go there, you may be able to block their ",
"entry. The alien base is in the heart of", 
"your own home city, not far from the ",
"starport.'' Slowly and painfully, you get", 
"up and return to the fray."

My map is MAP 11, part of cluster 2, the next map is MAP12, part of cluster 3, thus when I exit the map and thus exit cluster 2, the exittext is displayed. The flat chosen is the backdrop behind the text and for now, just use a flat of your choice..


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