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2 keys 1 staircase

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2 keys 1 staircase

Greet you,

I've almost finished my first MAp, but I'm now at a point where I can't get any further.
I have 2 switches... one should be operated with blue and the other with red. If the red one is pressed, a platform should move, if blue is pressed, the 2nd platform should be operated.
I can't find anything about it, can someone help me?

Best regards

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What is your map format?


This sort of thing would be trivial to do in UDMF format, which allows you to put key locks on line actions. In vanilla Doom, another step is required - put your switch inside an alcove and put a small, thin key-locked "door" in front of the switches.


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Game Contiguration : GZDooM DooM 2 UDMF

Script Type ZDoom ACS

I put a switch on a line because I assigned 202 Action, plus a LOCK with BLueCard on a sector

But this doesn't work. The switch that I have assigned starts up, but not the sector.

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That's not the correct action. 202 is Door Generic. You want 62 "Platform Lower Wait Raise" if you want the platform to start high and come down.

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No, I want the platform to go up if you have a blue card, and when I do Action 62 you can't connect it with a blue card. This only works in 202 or the other door functions... I haven't found how to assign a key function to a switch.
So, how do you do that now?

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It works just fine for me in my UDMF test map.


Give the sector a tag. On your switch line, in the Settings, set the Lock Number to the key you wish to use. In the Action box give it the action 64 Platform Raise Wait Lower, in the Sector Tag box, choose the number you gave your sector. In the Activation box, check "Repeatable Action" and "When player presses use".


I even just tried seeing if I could use one lift but two different keyed switches - one to go up and the other to go down, and that worked as well.

Edited by Stabbey
advanced usage

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