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Who knows ANY HD blood/ gore mods ?

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Hey there. I am playing doom mods since 7 years now and accumulated a massive amount of them and of the knowledge to create the craziest multi add-ons modcombos. I know that some people like the more vanilla approach, but I think, for what did all these people spent their life time, working on such insane add-ons like relighting, gun bonsai, BULLETTIME X or NASHGORE (Shiny) to then not be used? What a shame that would be or? 


But that's not what I wanted to ask. 

Lately a lot of HD high amount of polygon 3d model containing mods where released.


Digital weapons, Painkiller mutilator, canion 3d and so on...

I was wondering. Painkiller is the only mod I know of having something similar to HD blood decals. Does anyone have a similar gore mod? 

or could extract the gore from painkiller. Actually thinking about it I will ask the developer of painkiller mutilator. But still. If anyone knows about an add-on like that, please let me know2022_02_18_18_58_22.jpg.1064ddbd7bc07674da31b2fc3ef93bac.jpg

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Since High Detail Decals tend to make GZDOOM Crawl, I havent seen any gore mods of that kind so far.
But, there are some games that have detailed decals which you could replace manually on certain mods, for example
Turok 2 Seeds of Evil Remaster by NightDive has some hi-res Decals on its files, but since its a commercial game I wouldnt touch it
for distribution, only for personal use.

Edited by BerserkerNoir

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