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[Boom] Alpha Sector, mini PWAD map set, 4 maps

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Greetings again.


I have been working on a small multi map PWAD, the intention was to get to 8 maps all up as it seemed like a decent number. This release is a bit short on that right now but I wanted to share it with you anyway.


Mainly been learning about how UMAPINFO and ZMAPINFO works as well as exploring a little bit more of Boom's features.


Any feedback will be good in the meantime as I cook up some ideas for other maps.


Note on Secrets


Each map has a secret that is accessible only in the first 30 seconds of the map starting. Controversial maybe, but I committed to do it anyway. They all can be reached straight from the start. They will probably be easily recognizable if you've missed it for next time around.


Format: Boom

IWAD: Doom 2

Maps: 4 (so far)
No jumping/crouching (disabled in ZMAPINFO), mouselook is optional

Tested on DSDA-Doom, GZDoom and PrBoom+ (requires Boom compatible source ports)








































UV Max Walkthrough:




Extra Credits:

James "Jimmy" Paddock - several midis
MAP01 - Crunch Time
MAP02 - Time Bomb
MAP03 - Gr8 808, M8
MAP04 - Phux Ache

Ola Björling (ukiro) - OTEX texture set

TNT Team - Colormaps


Download Link:

Edited by wheresthelambsauce

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Looks good, I'll give 'em a look!


And looked I did. Four excellent Techbase maps, well-textured and with great flow in both combat and exploration.

OTEX is used well here, and so is Paddock's music tracks. I only got one of the timed secrets (MAP02), but that's fine.

I appreciate that it was left open after I had discovered it, so I could resupply later.


The secret SSG in MAP03 also proved a valuable companion for the following maps. It really felt like a secret weapon.





A teleporter gimmick in the last map was used quite nicely to give you an alternate look on a hell-ified version of the layout you

just explored. However I noticed that if you backtrack after passing the linedef then going back, you will miss out on that entire

area. Could be made so the teleporter triggers multiple times instead of just once.



All in all, a solid mapset, well worth the time to blast through.


Tiny forgotten STARTAN texture found;






Edited by Zesiir

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Maps are getting better and better (except for maybe the second one but that's just a personal opinion). The last one does some kind of Wormhole-type gimmick that's well worth finding! Who knows, perhaps you'll strike some sort of balance between larger (the nuke map) and smaller (like these ones) maps.






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I didn't even think the idea of the 30-second limit was that bad. It's just important that you're made aware of it. I have now played through all 4 maps and can only say that I had a lot of fun! Thank you...

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I beat this mapset right now and I have to say that was great! I want to play more :)

It was not too difficult, maybe in few places a little bit, I like this kind of gameplay. Great level design and layout. Quite pleasant to play when you have enough ammo.

Keep it up! Wanna see more maps like this

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