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The Island of Killer Cacos [DOOM 2][UDMF][15 MAPS]

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I decided to make a 100% walkthrough for MAP10, in case someone is wondering about the little puzzle on that level. The puzzle solution is at around 7:58.

The video has spoilers, of course.




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Just wanted to say that this is suuuuuch a cool idea.  The way the first level was designed was perfect.  The maps themselves feel like real places in a way.  I do think they're a little long, but it's nice having wide-open spaces!  Feels like if I'm good enough, I can survive even the tough traps by running away and bouncing around, coming back, etc.  The theme and look of these maps is excellent, so well-done!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey awesome WAD! But also what the fuck was that credits map lmaoooo! I actually managed to beat it single segment, even though my FPS dropped to single digits for a few minutes. :)


Jk, but seriously great looking environments! Big maps perfect for exploring ancient ruins. Chamber of Time is certainly a highlight, though I guess the other maps have better combat. It's just a fun idea and the music changes add a lot of impact. Thanks for your hard work!

Edited by worldoffood

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If it's got caco in the name, I have to play it. Will edit this post with post-play thoughts and perhaps a bit of constructive criticism :)


1st EDIT, Maps played: 01-05


Loving the maps so far with one exception (Can't win them all right?). The atmosphere is great, the titlescreen made me chortle (I wouldn't date an imp girl either!) and the music "bops hard" as the kids say (Do they still say that?).


The intro map was in particular a hilarious concept and a great execution imo. I didn't understand the first time that I had to run from the Fiend so I died lulz, but I figured it out eventually and was pleasantly surprised to find that you get 100% kills despite not killing him and the complete trashbag Imp that's out on the wing :)


I didn't want map 2 to end simply because the music is so goshdarn awesome in that level in particular. Generally upbeat, adventurous and energetic though throughout the maps I've played so far. 


So yeah map 3 killed the mood for me a bit because of the severe lack of ammo. I imagine the design in this map was to limit the player to Rocket Launcher and fists since it seems there's mostly only rocket pickups later in the level. It felt like a somewhat odd difficulty curve for me at least. Played on HMP btw in GZDoom. And also that one particular room with 2 pain elementals, a revenant and an archvile can go suck a duck >:(


But that's ok, because maps 4 and 5 are peak entertainment. Some big open maps like this punish the player for going a particular way but your maps here are balanced perfectly. There's a gun in each corner and armor and health aplenty if you're willing to run around for it. Great stuff! Am thoroughly enjoying myself with these adventurous maps!


Although, there's not enough Cacos >:( But there's never enough cacos... ;_;

Edited by Wo0p

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6 hours ago, Wo0p said:

Although, there's not enough Cacos >:( But there's never enough cacos... ;_;


Thank you for the feedback. As for Cacos... well there's a map where you can spend few minutes making tomato juice if you want to.

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15 hours ago, JJBoren said:


Thank you for the feedback. As for Cacos... well there's a map where you can spend few minutes making tomato juice if you want to.


Ocrap I forgot to mention I found this "oopsie"



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Finally got around to recording 100% playthrough of all levels. Secrets are timestamped in the video descriptions.


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