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How to mod Power-Up screen colors?

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As the title says, I'm looking for a way to mod the colors for the power-ups like the radsuit, berserk, invulnerability, etc. This would be a purely cosmetic mod for my own personal use with no other changes. Does anyone know how to do that?


If necessary, my planned changes are to completely remove the tint from the Radsuit and Berserk, and change the Invuln's tint to the Berserk's current red. I have mods to extend the Radsuit duration so I don't need an indicator of when they're on or about to run out. (I have infinite radsuits because I don't like timed radsuits as a mechanic.)


(EDIT: Lightamp fixed, details removed, and yes I'm using GZDoom.)

Edited by Explorer of Time

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To remove the tint, you have to import normal palette to all the 14 palettes. As of the invul tint, you need to edit the colormap. However, colors won't be so precise. But that is vanilla approach. If you want it in ZDoom, you can use "Powerup.Color None" and "Powerup.Colormap Red" for Invulnerability and omit it for the rest of bonuses. However, I can't really help you with Berserk. As of Lightamp, you can simply turn the "enhanced night vision" option off.

Edited by Grieferus

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13 minutes ago, Grieferus said:

However, I can't really help you with Berserk.


In vanilla, berserk just uses two of the pain palettes. So the first method you described will work for removing that tint. GZDoom probably ignores that, though, but I'd imagine you can remove the tint by modifying one of the virtual functions.

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On a related note, ive been looking to somehow get Doom Expanded's much improved invuln colours as a universal always-on mod, it makes invuln vision not hurt my eyes. Never known how to do it.

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In vanilla Doom and most source ports that use software rendering, the powerup effects are controlled by PLAYPAL and COLORMAP (PLAYPAL for radsuit and berserk, COLORMAP for invuln and light amp) in vanilla Doom and most source ports that use software rendering, and modifying those lumps with a PWAD would change the effects (but would conflict with other WADs that also modify the palette/colormap).


However, since you mentioned a "tint" for the light amp, I guess you're using GZDoom and have the "enhanced night vision mode" option turned on, because the normal light amp effect does not have a tint (it just renders everything at full brightness). GZDoom does not use PLAYPAL and COLORMAP for these effects, instead doing its own thing. I've seen mods modify the powerup effects so I know it can be done, but unfortunately I'm not familiar with how.


31 minutes ago, Devalaous said:

On a related note, ive been looking to somehow get Doom Expanded's much improved invuln colours as a universal always-on mod, it makes invuln vision not hurt my eyes. Never known how to do it.

Looks like Doom Expanded's effect is greyscale without the inversion that vanilla does. This can be done in vanilla with a modified COLORMAP. Take a look at the WAD plums shared here or the one I shared above that. This is also an option built into Woof now, and the posts I linked to were figuring out how to replicate that with a PWAD.

Edited by Shepardus

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8 hours ago, Shepardus said:

However, since you mentioned a "tint" for the light amp, I guess you're using GZDoom and have the "enhanced night vision mode" option turned on, because the normal light amp effect does not have a tint (it just renders everything at full brightness)

Ugh, I can't believe I missed changing that GZdoom default. Thank you for letting me know. It also has an option for me to change the Invuln color into something less ugly so that's dealt with too. Now I just have to turn off the Berserk and Radsuit colors.

Edited by Explorer of Time

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