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How to create a drowning system when the player is underwater for too long?



I wanted to create a drowning duration system where the player would drown if underwater for too long. Is it possible to achieve this using properties of the 3D floor texture of the water, or would it require an ACS script? If an ACS script is necessary, could you recommend a ready-made script that could work with the water texture? Just to clarify, I want the drowning duration to be 30 seconds, and when this time is up, the player will lose 5 health points in shallow waters and 10 health points in deeper waters.

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If any moderator comes across my post, I apologize for accidentally posting the same post twice. I even tried to find an option to delete this second post, but unfortunately, there isn't such an option on Doomworld. :(

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8 hours ago, Johnny_Vicc_007 said:

 of the 3D floor texture of the water, or would it require an ACS script?


It is simpler than that, just set the 3D control sector to swimmable.

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It won't achieve the exact effect you're after, but GZDoom handles drowning out of the box without any scripting. By default, the player has an "air supply" of 20 seconds, meaning that they can be underwater for 20 seconds before they start taking damage. You can increase it with the AirSupply property in MAPINFO. Example:

map MAP01 "yourmapnamehere"
    sky1 = "SKY1", 0.0
    par = 69
    airsupply = 30


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