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Diegesis of Madness - Three Limit-Removing Maps with Overcharged Gameplay

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Introducing Doom: Diegesis of Madness, a project that resided on my hard drive for three years, unreleased and unfinished until now. This project aims to recreate the primary vision demonstrated in the "Doom Bible" document, with beta assets integrated into new and novel gameplay. However, do not expect a recreation of beta maps, for this project, when it was in development, was to demonstrate my newfound mapping ability and introduce a new reimagining of the classic Doom beta. Additionally, this project is no longer in further development, as I was looking to post this to get it out. If there any credits I am missing or bugs that need fixing, please inform me in this Doomworld Post.


Around 2 - 3 Years (Unsure)
Typical Playtime: 22 - 30 Minutes (Total)


Ports Tested:
Crispy Doom


GZDoom (A few issues but nothing game-breaking...)



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Really nice! Atmosphere is not unlike that of Forsaken Compound or Doom 64 for that matter. It's interesting to see you explore the limits of dehacked gameplay. I do somewhat think that grenades should be in greater abundance, due to their difficulty in aiming, but Map 03 at least is cognizant of that! The silverback Cyberdemons from Ray Mohawk 2 finally have their revenge!



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