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What would the Monsters do for a hobby?

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Today, a random thought just popped into my head. I wonder, outside of killing marines, and sometimes each other, what do you suppose all the Monsters do for hobbies?

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Fashion grisly totems out of their victims, of course. Or occasionally sticking a zombieman on a pike and watching him twitch

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Imps do interpretive dance.

Former humans enjoy watching paint dry - just like in real life.

Pinkies like to suntan (the color you see in the game is not their original color)

Spectres love hide-and-seek

Revenants play tennis.
Archviles are masters on the grill.


Source: I saw all of this while pondering my fireblu orb.

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Revenants are boxers.

Archviles are Brazilians and therefore love making barbecues.

Pinkies go to eating competitions.

Imps like to play darts.

All human enemies like poker.

The hell nobles are gym bros.

Cacodemons play the piano.

Pain elementals and lost souls like board games.

Arachnotrons and spider mamas like kart racing.

The cyberdemon likes to cook.

Edited by DoomGappy

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The monsters go to the Icon of Sin which spawns its cubes and right as the cube is about to land they run away. Last one standing wins.



10 minutes ago, DankMetal said:

A lot of wads have made me think that the cyberdemon works as a stripper


I'd think a revenant or an archvile would be better suited.

Edited by Pure Hellspawn

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 I imagine they're beings of pure debauchery and degeneracy, with little regard to order and decency.  Someone pisses you off, accidentally or not? You're now beating the fuck out of them. They torture and mutilate humans for fun, then display their desecrated corpses for others to admire. That's their art. As chaotic as they are they do have a sick culture. Their gargoyle statues, human organs and skulls on pedestals, and other architecture show that they do have a culture and society and can get along. The pentagrams and candles show they enjoy performing hellish rituals, or perhaps worshipping satan himself. They do seem to be enamored with technology. 

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Walking in place. You've seen their sprites, they have to keep their fitness level in check. Well, except for the floating ones.

10 hours ago, Andromeda said:

There's a thread about anything on Doomworld, lol.

There will always be threads about anything and everything under the sun. It is something to get used to.

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45 minutes ago, NuMetalManiak said:

There will always be threads about anything and everything under the sun. It is something to get used to.

Yeah I'm aware, after all I've been here for a while now - just find it funny.

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This passes through my mind a lot, unsurprisingly. I guess they spend a lot of time building hell bases, under the yoke of barons and other overlords, and await orders from a mastermind who’s dreamt up ANOTHER stupid plan to attack humanity. :)

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