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"Call of DOOM: Black Warfare" V2 update (bug)

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Won't pickup med kits.  Here's the command in the desktop launcher "gzdoom  -file ZZD_CODBW_FileA_BrutalDoom.pk3 ZZD_CODBW_FileB_HDgraphics.wad ZZD_CODBW_FileC_MainData.wad " in linux mint 20.2.  I didn't specify an Iwad because upon launch gzdoom will prompt you with a choice from a menu.  So far other aspects of the game appear to be working fine.  Is there a setting I'm missing that will affect this behavior?



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I played this one and the medkits work as intended for me.

If you aren't picking them up you must already be carrying the maximum amount.

Just in case you didn't know: Medkits work differently in this mod. You can carry up to six and there's a saparate keybind to use them. They are technically considered a weapon by the engine. 

Check the options menu.

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