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[resolved] automap shows all area

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I'm sure I'm not the first with this issue, but I haven't had any luck searching.  I'm working on my first map and I just noticed that, when you first start the game and then turn 360 degrees, the automap shows the entire section you are in.  There are multiple layers of walls that should be hiding the things it's showing.  Does anyone have any tips or links to troubleshooting steps or anything?


The screenshots are from just starting the game and having not moved around the level at all.  I'm up for sharing the PK3 file itself, if necessary.




Edited by violgamba

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That's because they're double sided walls (raised sectors as opposed to one-sided walls like the map borders). Nothing to do about it.

Edited by Gothic

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Oh seriously?  Double sided walls don't bock automapping and there's nothing that can be done about it?


Hmm, how do closed doors and secrets work then?  Is it different because they are the ceiling coming down instead of the floor going up?


EDIT - Or maybe it's simply because the floor and the ceiling are touching.

Edited by violgamba

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34 minutes ago, violgamba said:

Hmm, how do closed doors and secrets work then?  Is it different because they are the ceiling coming down instead of the floor going up?


EDIT - Or maybe it's simply because the floor and the ceiling are touching.

I did some testing in UBD and your edit seems to be correct. I tested a regular door and nothing behind it showed, and same with a lowering floor. Essentially, if you want the automap to not show an area, you have to fully block it off by making the ceiling and the floor touch. Or you could just use one sided linedefs for the walls, though it may be a bit harder to set up.

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There is an option to make lines not appear on the automap, but setting that flag means that they never appear, ever, so if you only want the lines hidden until, say, going outside, then blocking off the area with a sector with 0 height is what you need to do. There are even ways to make it see-through so it doesn't obstruct your actual line of sight (search "self-referencing sector").

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My particular map has a castle which has both a visibly non-uniform roof AND a complex inside.  This combination leads to this automapping issue.  If I did a flat ceiling, then the ground could meet the sky for the walls, but then it would look un-castle-like from the outside.


The Hocus Pocus TC ALSO has castles with non-uniform roofs and complex insides.  I checked how it handles this.  It actually does use a flat roof, allowing for wall sectors with floor touching ceiling.  But then it adds a portal over the roof to attach a complex roof landscape on top.  Pretty clever.

Edited by violgamba

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Is the effect you want to produce like the one in your second screenshot? With the parapets with items on them? I did a similar effect on my map "Control Tower" using thin sectors with varying sky heights. With it I could make rooftops of buildings which had lights on the top, and functional doors next to them.

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