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Monuments: Download available (v6)

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Posted (edited)

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ji3ouHP9uSZD0b1HdsAVDHdFPw3jMl0M/view?usp=sharing (updated to RC2)


I decided I might just as well post it, as it's pretty much done as far as I can tell. Please let me know if you find anything wrong with it. I will upload this doom IDGames at some point, but only after it's been tested a bit more.



Monuments is a single-map wad, and it's kind of hard but not too bad, I think. It is balanced for UV, but HMP is implemented.


Monuments plays like a normal Doom 2 map along the lines of Eviternity or Sunlust; there are no fancy UDMF or GZDoom tricks being used except for some very simple behind-the-scenes stuff. It is, however, made in UDMF and tested in GZDoom 4.11 only.


Jumping and crouching are disabled. 


Map, music and title screen by me; Otex textures by Ukiro.

Edited by Laocoön

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Aaaaand here's the gameplay video I promised. I was hoping to get a bit further before dying (also, there are two false starts before I get going properly). I guess I am better at making maps than I am at playing them ... 



(HD video still being processed at the time of writing)

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Posted (edited)

Was looking for something to play and I dont know what drew me to this one, maybe the name. Anywho, not exactly what I usually go in for but this was a pretty fun and neat map. Played on lzdoom and everything worked perfectly. Like you said its not super hard on UV but does provide some challenge, none of the fights roll over and play dead. Sometimes you may make it past one on your first try, sometimes the same fight will kill you 20 times in a row. I had a little bit of performance issues but only when I was facing the cybers out on their pedestals. Prolly something to do with the draw distance? I did get 100% everything but had to go back and look for all of the secrets once everything was dead. 4 of them were fairly obvious but I really only got lucky with finding the automap. Anywho, good stuff, thank you for making and sharing this.

Edited by Insaneprophet

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Thanks for playing and commenting!


I was going to call it 'Monument', in the singular, but I thought I'd possibly turn it into a small map pack of 2-3 levels.


I am working on a second map, as it turns out, but it's a bit bigger (and harder), so will take a while to finish. Very happy to hear that the wad works on LZDoom, but I can't promise that will apply to future maps in the pack, as I have no idea what would break compatibility. 

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Had a play through the first map, super cool stuff! The Archvile fight near the end is tough without the BFG.

Kinda curious why the file is 90mb though...

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Thanks! I honestly hadn't noticed it's that big, but I have a suspicion about the cause. Will try to slim it down when I add the next map!

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I've been informed the second map claims to have six secrets, but that's an error - there should only be four. There were a couple of sectors wrongly labelled as secret, and it's already been patched for the next release.


I've also started work on the final map, which will be in black and gold, with some details in pink.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looking forward to this one, love a bit of brown and gold. I played through map 02 a while back, actually found it a fair bit easier than map 01.

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Argh, my brother said the same thing about the difficulty. I'd like there to be a steady increase, and definitely not a decrease, from map to map! I will go through all the maps and balance them better before the final release. Thanks for playing!

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  • 3 weeks later...

About 80% finished with the final map now. I think I will send out a call for playtesters when it is about ready, because it is too large for me to playetst it adequately myself - I will need additional eyes and devious minds to make sure everything is working as it should.





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This is now about 99 % finished. In fact, all the maps are beatable now, but I'd like to give them all a once over before posting anything. Please get in touch if you would like to playtest these maps!


Here are some new screenies:


Monument One starting area



Monument One - bony boys not shown



Monument One - late fight takes place here



Monument Two - the path to the exit



Monument Two - huge buildings



Secret Monument - Barbie world



Secret Monument - tasteful decor



Monument Three - view from the starting area


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Time to give this a proper go now! Well done on getting it done, looking forward to the one's I haven't played yet.

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