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Yes that's right, the sequel which I have been working on is HERE!

This new DOOM II WAD includes new graphics (sorta), new music, new maps, and new fun!

This is after Mad Man Brads UAC Revenge, your Brad, and you have gone down to hell to get rid of the annoying demons! throughout the journey you will find weapons, more monsters and more!, I worked SO hard on this WAD and I tried my best to improve from my last WAD, I hope you enjoy!!!

Need GZDoom, and needs freelook.

Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/3fyjbrfx6697geq/MADBRAD2.zip/file

Download v1.1 (Fixes lower difficulty health and ammo issues in map04)

Download v1.2 (Fixes Yellow bars and some other stuff)

Download v1.3 (FINAL VERSION) fixes texture alignments.





Edited by MisterLivers

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This is an improvement! While Map 02 feels like a remix of something from your earlier maps, the last 3 definitely show some improvement. Although the plasma rifle at the end of 03 felt like a troll.


04 for the most part might have been better than 03 but that series of corridors near the lava fountain was much, much too claustrophobic and it made both finding the doors and attempting to engage with the Pain Elementals in the other room, overly difficult imo.


05 was quite easy and more of a slaughter thing but it wasn't a bad way to end this!



PS: I have a soft spot for Doom red like the monsters are here although I suspect this would not go well outside of notably hellish settings


PPS: Annnnd.....I played the original version it seems.



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The yellow bars in the last map can be lowered without the key.


There were also several monsters stuck in walls, and some areas lacking textures. Which you would probably know if you had tested this.




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38 minutes ago, Zesiir said:

Which you would probably know if you had tested this.

It's good that you've offered some feedback, but was this part really necessary? Bugs/mistakes happen, some source ports 'fix' them before you even know there's a problem.

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ehh i was zooming through while testing so i didnt notice some stuff stuck in the walls, and the yellow key, well sorry, i was mainly focused on fixing a bug that was happening with the lava so i never noticed, but thanks, i will make changes in version 1.2 and will test my levels way more next time!

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9 hours ago, CravenCoyote said:

It's good that you've offered some feedback, but was this part really necessary? Bugs/mistakes happen, some source ports 'fix' them before you even know there's a problem.


I was annoyed at such mistakes being overlooked. But like @MisterLivers said it was something they glossed over, and it's been fixed.

I don't have any other issues with the maps, I think they play just fine.


The level architecture in the last few maps looks really good, with the glowing red cracks. The author has improved their mapping skills a lot.


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There, played the latest version. Much better :)


I forgot to mention, I really like seing those ENDOOM screens.


Still found some stuck enemies, and a box of shells that I am not sure how I am supposed to get... But that's minor stuff.





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i might know why it looks like that, its mainly because in the , i guess you could call it 2d mode or something, the cave part looks like a big mess, so i dont know whats the wall and what is not, so sorry about that, but overall, ill probably just move them to normal spots by just editing 1.3, getting tired of saying, made 1.4 and linking a different download. ill do that later on today.

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