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How to change number of shots fired from the machine gun in doom 3


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How do i change the number of shots fired from the machine gun in doom 3? ie how much the ammo screen goes down by, so in my case i want the ammo count to go down by 3 each shot. How?

Edited by Sees232

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Do you mean in one shot like a shotgun, or like a three round burst? Or do you want the ammo display to decrease by three while firing a single shot?


All three can be done by editing the weapon_machinegun::Fire() state found at line 98 in base/pak006.pk4/script/weapon_machinegun.script. To make changes in a nondestructive way, create a folder in your Doom 3 directory called script and copy weapon_machinegun.script into it. You can always zip it later and change the extension from zip to pk4 (I assume it's safe to do that, someone lemme know if there's a better way). 7-Zip and Notepad++ might be helpful if you don't already have them.


To reduce the ammo counter by three while only firing one projectile, underneath launchProjectiles on line 109, write in useAmmo(2); to decrease the ammo by an extra two, in addition to the one already used by launchProjectiles.

launchProjectiles( MACHINEGUN_NUMPROJECTILES, spread, 0, 1.0, 1.0 );
playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "fire" );


To fire three projectiles at once like a shotgun and still reduce ammo by three, paste launchProjectiles two times underneath itself.

launchProjectiles( MACHINEGUN_NUMPROJECTILES, spread, 0, 1.0, 1.0 );
launchProjectiles( MACHINEGUN_NUMPROJECTILES, spread, 0, 1.0, 1.0 );
launchProjectiles( MACHINEGUN_NUMPROJECTILES, spread, 0, 1.0, 1.0 );
playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "fire" );


To do a three round burst, you can extend the value of MACHINEGUN_FIRERATE to something like 0.45 on line 7, and then replace lines 109 and 110 with the following:

launchProjectiles( MACHINEGUN_NUMPROJECTILES, spread, 0, 1.0, 1.0 );
playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "fire" );
sys.wait(0.075); //or a value of your choice
launchProjectiles( MACHINEGUN_NUMPROJECTILES, spread, 0, 1.0, 1.0 );
playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "fire" );
launchProjectiles( MACHINEGUN_NUMPROJECTILES, spread, 0, 1.0, 1.0 );
playAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_ALL, "fire" );


It wasn't explicitly clear which of these you meant, and there very well may be cleaner ways to do each one, but hopefully this is still helpful!

Edited by Lippeth

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