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Chaingun or BFG9000?

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If I had to choose between the two, I would choose the chaingun. Personally, the chaingun is vital to use against large hordes of zombies (which includes shotgunners and chaingunners). Omitting the BFG-9000 would provide a healthy challenge, since the plasma rifle is already pretty powerful. 

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Chaingun all the way. Even if the chaingun wasn't more versatile, the BFG in the OG games was always pretty underwhelming to me.

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Chaingun because tap-firing really rips. It’s my favorite weapon in DM because of how quickly you can mow someone down with it if you fire it that way and don’t just hold the fire button down. 

The BFG is great too though, even more so in DM than it is in SP. The projectile is mostly worthless but the scanning death ray that follows can gain you some frags real fast. 

Edited by DNSKILL5

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Chaingun is awesome, but it's functionally... the pistol except useful. Sniping, stunlocking and enough damage to clear some chaff out. It can and has been replaced by upgraded pistols in some mods.


The BFG is fairly unique amongst ultimate weapons, near unequalled in crowd control especially since it doesn't have a splash risk, and still solid against heavy hitters. It mostly has a weakness in confined spaces that don't allow the tracers to effectively deploy - and it's the fire and forget hitscan tracers that make it powerful. 

The main projectile is more of a bonus for one tapping Archviles with.


It is trounced in effectiveness only by the Wraithverge with it's no-clipping repeatedly-hitting homing ghosts. 


My choice is the Big Fneeping Gun. 

Edited by Zerofuchs
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Both are situational.

For the chaingun, you wanna use it on high pain chance enemies1. And for that, it works. It also just generally gets rid of enemies really quick with low ammo.2

But the BFG has it's use too, for mainly the beefier enemies.3

One is not better than the other necessarily, they're both very useful.



1: Cacodemons, Lost Souls, especially Pain Elementals, Arachnatrons, and Mancubi.

2: Zombiegunners, Imps, Sergeants, Heavy Weapon Dudes, Pinkies, Spectres, and SS.

3: Archviles, Barons, CyberDemons, and Spider-Masterminds.

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I use the chaingun a lot for stunlocking or mowing down smaller enemies there never seems to be enough ammo for it when you need it though (an god forbid you need bullets on a slaughter-type map for anything, you'll get every ammo BUT bullets)


I tend to rarely ever use the BFG as few situations really warrant it. I do like to whip it out for archviles as a 'no' response though.

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What kind of prefer? If you mean what I'd rather use at any time, there's no room for preference there. You use whatever is more fitting for the situation. If cells are limited you can't even use bfg whenever you want, you have to save it. Some situations where it's good for are like when you need to free yourself from very cramped spots as you get cornered by enemies, quickly take out a very high threat enemy/group, etc. It's not about chaingun or bfg, it's when to use the bfg. When you're routing a difficult map (for a speedrun or even a saveless completion, I often do the latter) deciding where to spend the BFG and how much is a pretty important decision.

If you mean what we think is a more fun weapon it's BFG for me for sure, it's powerful, quite complex and has one of the highest skill ceilings of all weapons. There are lots of strategy and interesting tricks involving it. Chaingun does the job but is somewhat boring in comparsion, it's just a fast pistol. Strategy and tricks for it are basically limitied to tapping it for perfect accuracy. It depends on the map honestly, a map that only gives you a chaingun and very fun combat to solve with it can be better than a bfg-spammy map too.

Edited by Cilian

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I don't think I have the strength to hold, or even lift a BFG9000 so yeah I would choose the chaingun. It probably works better with my weak arms and physique.

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I think the pinnacle of weapon design would be a chain-bfg, an amalgam of the two. Imagine having the delayed shot as the gun charges up, then a big ball of energy and on impact it shoots 40 tracers of 2 bullets each. 

Edited by Sneezy McGlassFace

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depends on the situation really

if there is a asston of zombies infront of me id use the ssg and chaingun

however if im fighting a cyberdemon and/or spidermastermind bfg

however more miscellaneous enemies, like archviles, aracnos, and revs, it depends on what kind of map it is and how much ammo i have

if its on a slaughtermap and there are 6 aracnos im using bfg since i probably have ammo

however if its a normal wad and i see 6 aracnos im using the rocket launcher

but for things like, 1 archvile or 1 revanent, then im going  with the chaingun

however if its like 1 aracno i *might* use the chaingun, but instead ill use the ssg

cacos and pain elementals force me to use the chaingun, or ssg


so it just depends on the situation

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The BFG, mostly because I've always been quite meh on the chaingun. While I was glad to find out that you could just tap the button to control the firing rate (kind of important when custom maps in my experience don't really prioritize bullet placement), the sound is bad, the amount of damage is just a tad lower than I'd like (higher than any Heretic weapon but sfx make the difference in that game for most weapons), and it's satisfaction rating personally never really hit that sweet spot. BFG, on the other hand is the ultimate slaughter weapon, even if I'm not really the best user of it :P

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