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What fanmade doom wads would make good fan fiction similar to doom novels?


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Winter's Fury (Anniversary Edition) is worth a quality fanfic, I believe.


"You follow the story of TAO soldier Sergeant Elliott Morse, assigned to clean-up duty by the UAC at Baphomet's crypt. Traversing the frozen technological wasteland outside Mount Baphomet, Elliott discovers things better left to the unknown." 


I still remember looking for those hidden text logs to understand its singular story. 

Besides these optional logs, they're conversations to advance the main story; you can skip them with action key.


Edit: when you find a hidden text log you can read it by pressing the console, tilde key (~). Took me some time to get that. ^^



Edited by CrocMagnum

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ZDCMP2 would also be a good candidate. The map gives each section a unique name and several of them have quite distinct set pieces that would translate well into written text without getting repetitive. It also features logs that enhance the storytelling.


Another story-driven mod that could make a good written story is Cold as Hell. This one even has the advantage that there is interaction with other characters, not just the lone warrior fighting and fighting and fighting and...


Two older ones I think may do is Daedalus: Alien Defense and RTC-3057.


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Ancient. Fucking. Aliens. I have no idea why no one has mentioned that.


I would also suggest Doomed Urbex which actually has a complete narrative thanks to MBF21 believe it or not, Sign of Torment for a surreal and confusing horror movie vibe, 180 Minutes Pour Vivre at least through Map 18 or so, Mapping at Warpspeed and Lunacy, and possibly Cydonia but that's because I just like how it pokes fun at the random ass 'quantum accelerator' that I don't think gets mentioned in the manual.

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Fragport if you're going for a cheesy 80's action move vibe. Solar Struggle with its planet-hopping plot would also be a solid candidate.

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Let's see...


The Cabal Series By Master Levels Partaker Sverre André Kvernmo


Rick Clark's Productions: The Apocalypse, Time Shift, The Crash


Doom Core Series By Michael Jan Krizik


Odessa Series By TNT Member Bob Evans


Lucifer Series by Jeremy Wagner


Moonblood Series by Tomás Soares


Matt Powell productions


Wadazine Master Collection (WMC) Series


Freedoom Series


And maybe a Comic series or spin-off about Chex Quest

Edited by Helton342

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