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Mplayer Focus


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I would like to know why the hell guys that are working on Doom3 are not focusing more on multiplayer things, i mean what the heck... not many computer people still having fun with games if they're not multiplayer, don't get me wrong, i'll be one of those guys standing at walmart at midnight buying one of the first copies,( and yes, playing the single player version ) But i mean WHY, the big fuss these days is ONLINE GAMING! Come on guys, give us what we want :o


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OMG, but wouldn't you guys like to play d3 such as Counter-Strike is being played, in like Professional tournaments and so fourth? I mean come on :o Multiplayer is like a necessity to some people! (such as myself.


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I don't mean to sound rude, but that is what Quake4 is.
I'm surprised Doom3 that has the limited multiplayer support it does.

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jaego said:

OMG, but wouldn't you guys like to play d3 such as Counter-Strike is being played, in like Professional tournaments and so fourth? I mean come on :o Multiplayer is like a necessity to some people! (such as myself.


You multiplayer guys have had PLENTY of goodies already, where we sp guys had nothing, nothing! What is Quake 3 Arena? What is Unreal Tournament 1+2003?

Making games nowadays is a lot more complicated - you can't just include both kickass mp and kickass sp, you'll have to pick a direction, so if id for once chooses to take the SP direction in order not to disappoint guys like me, then it's fine, because then there's something for sp playing gamers out there.

What makes me go ballistic is that all those mp freaks bitch and moan like they're treated unfairly. You spoilt bastards haven't even been let down before, I have been let down - namely when id made Q3A and when there was no decent sp fps in sight for a couple of years. Even now with a returning sp trend, you mp freaks aren't let down, because there are games like Unreal Tournament 2k3 that are still being released, plus, Doom 3 will have mp support afaik.

So shut the fuck up you little pussy, sit back and deal with it.

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Wow, take a chill pill dude, it was just a fucking question, swallow your pride and deal with it, you're doing more bitching than me.

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jaego said:

I would like to know why the hell guys that are working on Doom3 are not focusing more on multiplayer things, i mean what the heck... not many computer people still having fun with games if they're not multiplayer, don't get me wrong, i'll be one of those guys standing at walmart at midnight buying one of the first copies,( and yes, playing the single player version ) But i mean WHY, the big fuss these days is ONLINE GAMING! Come on guys, give us what we want

Doom 3 has Multiplayer, but I'm extremely glad the focus is on Singleplayer. The only reason developers create MP over SP is because MP is SO much easier to create. Single Player takes more time, creativity, brain power, EVERYTHING. I'm sick of MP games.

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"Go play CS"

I do you homo, i'm just looking for another game to get into in the future.

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I agree that SP has gotten the shaft over the past few years... and the fact that they're concentrating overwhelmingly on the SP experience for Doom3 makes me happy, because there's so few games out there that have the atmosphere and gameplay that it seems to offer. MP is fun, but we already have a bunch of recent games dedicated to it; let the SP players have their turn, and go back to UT2k3 or CS or Q3A or whatever until the Next Big Thing For Two Weeks comes out.

Also, coming in here with that attitude ain't gonna get you anywhere. Dogfister :P

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jaego said:

"Go play CS"

I do you homo, i'm just looking for another game to get into in the future.

I highly suggest you to calm down or you will not live to see another day on these forums!

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Jaego said this to alientank: I do you homo, i'm just looking for another game to get into in the future.

Jaego said this to DSM: Wow, take a chill pill dude, it was just a fucking question, swallow your pride and deal with it, you're doing more bitching than me.

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