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slade3 screwed up my custom texture (need help)

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I wad trying to make a custom doom texture but it came out horribly i want to know why it went so bad, i used doom Gfx (palleted) but the support3 texture i took it from is now red.


heres the tutorial i used 



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In SLADE's Convert Graphics dialog, make sure you have the correct palettes selected (the dropdowns beneath the graphic). You can probably leave the left box alone (the Source palette -- if you're importing a PNG then it already has its own palette), and in the right box either pick Doom or leave it on Existing/Global (this will use the palette from whatever your Base Resource is, which looks like it's set to DOOM2.WAD correctly in your screenshot).





Also, heads-up, you'll need to move the SUPPORT4 texture out from in between these map lumps. Each set of lumps from MAPxx to BLOCKMAP can't have anything between them, or the map will break.



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Looks like the palate is messed up. Try using the recolor tool to change the palate colors or check if your source port of choice supports true color pngs

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