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Anywhere I can buy Final Doom?

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I got Doom and Doom II for free when I bought Doom: Eternal. However, I am curious if there is anywhere I can just get Final Doom without having to buy Doom I/II again. I checked both Steam and GOG, and Final Doom is delisted in both of those places.



Edited by Skullzrawk9
Added puncuation

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Bethesda condensed the separate games into one bundle package a few years ago.


The bad news is you technically would be buying Doom I/II again (though these would be the "proper", original versions of the games, and not the modified Eternal/BFG Edition versions, it should be noted - the wiki has a pretty detailed list of the changes). The good news is that you could snag several other games you might not have: Doom 3 (with its expansion, Resurrection of Evil), the Doom 3 BFG Edition, as well as Doom 64's remaster. And it's all for a pretty cheap price, all things considered. It might even go on sale again soon if that's really too much - it was barely $6 for the entire lot about two summers ago.


Up to you whether it's worth it or not, though. https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/27490/DOOM_Classic_Bundle/

Edited by Dark Pulse

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Where did you buy Doom Eternal? If the free copies were on Steam, I would have thought they would get the upgrade to the Unity version and access to Final Doom via the addons menu.

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2 minutes ago, Murdoch said:

Where did you buy Doom Eternal? If the free copies were on Steam, I would have thought they would get the upgrade to the Unity version and access to Final Doom via the addons menu.

I bought D:E off Steam. Doom and Doom II are available as WADS in Doom: Eternal. You technically have to beat the game, then go back to the hub area and find the old PC to play Doom and Doom II. However, what I did was just find the WADS in the game files and drop them into GZDoom, as per the note on this guide: 


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You also get the proper Master Levels wads too, so buying it is worth it. The only thing you'll be missing is the original nerve.wad, which is part of Doom 3 BFG Edition.

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Came here to echo everyone else's statements. Steam or GOG will get you going. Be sure to try out the many fan followups like Plutonia 2 and Devilution.

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17 minutes ago, Devalaous said:

The only thing you'll be missing is the original nerve.wad, which is part of Doom 3 BFG Edition.

Is there any difference between nerve.wad included with Doom3BFG compared to the Unity port add-on? Because the GOG version comes with the Unity port as well.

Edited by plums

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18 minutes ago, plums said:

Is there any difference between nerve.wad included with Doom3BFG compared to the Unity port add-on? Because the GOG version comes with the Unity port as well.

Any wad downloaded from the Unity Addon page is going to be basically a full blown IWAD nested deep into the appdata folder and just titled by it's release number with no extensions. (no rest I from what I can remember was just "3") There are 0 differences between the maps themselves as far as I know (and maybe some mapinfo lmp or somehting, idk)

the main difference to me would be weather you would rather pay 4$-10$ for a precompiled full wad, or make a bethesdanet account and have to assemble your own NERVE.WAD for free

edit: also you'll need to load a mapinfo lump along side either version of nerve if you want the correct skies

Edited by No-Man Baugh

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1 hour ago, Skullzrawk9 said:

Final Doom is delisted in both of those places.

They moved the files from final doom into the files of doom2 under the subdirectory finaldoombase it contains the original wads. Unfortunately I think that's the only way to obtain the WAD's or play the game.

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57 minutes ago, No-Man Baugh said:

edit: also you'll need to load a mapinfo lump along side either version of nerve if you want the correct skies

Crispy Doom, International Doom, and Woof/Nugget all have proper skies (and music) for NRFTL with no additional setup required. Crispy will even offer it, and the Master Levels, through an "episode selection" screen if they are detected.


(Sorry for the tangent, it seems like OP's question is more or less answered though.)

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GZDoom also automatically handles NRFTL through a MAPINFO file in gzdoom.pk3.

Edited by june gloom

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