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Would anybody still enjoy a Doom 1 MEGAWAD?

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I usually prefer low-count mappacks because playing 16+ maps in a PWAD sometimes feels repetitive.

This post also reminded me of my own unfinished Doom I megawad project. Its in development hell because Vanilla limit vs Design clash, plus some maps needs to be re-make after I learn some map tricks for Vanilla.

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Like many seem to be saying, yes, Doom 1 wads are still enjoyable. I play Doom 2 megawads more often, but I have plenty if Doom 1 megawads, and smaller wads, that I still play.

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4 hours ago, Shepardus said:

Sometimes it's nice to play a map and know you're not going to be ambushed by arch-viles.

That’s the best part of Doom 2!!!

Edited by JackDBS

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6 minutes ago, JackDBS said:

That’s the best part!!!

Precisely; that and the blissful certainty no pain elementals are going to emerge, or worse still: are spewing lost souls somewhere where clean-up operation awaits our doomed space marine :-D

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1 minute ago, RHhe82 said:

Precisely; that and the blissful certainty no pain elementals are going to emerge, or worse still: are spewing lost souls somewhere where clean-up operation awaits our doomed space marine :-D

Just kill them they take 3 hits to kill with the SSG

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As (I think) Civvie once put it, Doom/Ultimate Doom has "higher highs and lower lows". Particularly E1, despite it's relatively basic design compared to the latter episodes and commercial WADs, has a quality to it that sticks in the memory. 


Or put it this way, I would have an easier time building for this mapset than this one.

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9 hours ago, Doomzilla(iddqd) said:

There are literally zero reasons to make maps for D1 outside of getting nostalgic vibes: notice how almost all noteworthy D1 megawads are either remakes of the original episodes, or at least heavily inspired by them? There's nothing D1 has that D2 hasn't, the opposite however is not true.


There are certain textures that aren't available in Doom 2 that are only available in Doom 1.

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9 hours ago, Doomzilla(iddqd) said:

There are literally zero reasons to make maps for D1 outside of getting nostalgic vibes: notice how almost all noteworthy D1 megawads are either remakes of the original episodes, or at least heavily inspired by them?

You say that like it’s a bad thing. I most certainly make Ult Doom levels because of nostalgia and respect to the original.

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Yes, absolutely. I even prefer Doom 1 over 2, and the mapping philosophy in a lot of Doom 2 WADs (as well as base Doom 2 on occasion) revolves around "big arenas and high-tier spam", something I'm not very fond of.

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Why not? Ultimate DOOM was and is a good game. If your maps don't use the enemies DOOM 2 added or you think the SSG is a too strong weapon you can release the maps for Ultimate DOOM.

Ultimate DOOMs music is also nice if you are using default music.


The other side is, not every DOOM2 pwad uses all DOOM2 monsters. Does it make those maps bad?


Edited by Meerschweinmann

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Not to be contrarian, but no

Doom 1 is practically a prototype of 2

There is quite literally no reason to make a Doom 1 mapset other than as some gimmick

Edited by yuakuru

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I would certainly play a good megawad for Doom 1, and I hope to make one myself in the future. At the moment I'm focusing on 9-map installments.


It's no secret I prefer Doom 1 wads. First of all, I think it's a superior game, or at least I like its mood and designs better. Granted, most new Doom 2 enemies are simply great but that doesn't mean I personally need to use them. I, like many, just like the feeling of not needing to worry about archviles (or revenants). It makes things simpler, but I also feel there's a lot more to do with the original cast than has been made so far.


I like the limitations. I'm keeping myself to the original linedef set of the three-episode release: no fast elevators and some other things. Less animated textures, less animated flats. All the limitations feed my creativity.


And I like the episodic nature of Doom 1.

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Yes. Do it now!

Working with the limited monster selection, not having the SSG, utilizing an episodic format, and having differences in texture selection can make it a fun process to challenge those that have made plenty of Doom 2 maps.


There should be more deathmatch maps too for the first game. 

Edited by DNSKILL5

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I feel like a lot of Doom 1 wads lean more towards the kind of gameplay I prefer, tbh. I'm much more a fan of small, intense encounters than the crowd control of Doom II.

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Yup. And for a lot of the reasons that echo what is above. And I’m in the middle of making one, too. So, I definitely encourage you to continue if you’re enjoying yourself, because ultimately, that’s why I’m doing it. I believe that so long as there is Doom, there will always be people around to play it. 😏🤘

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5 hours ago, yuakuru said:

Not to be contrarian, but no

Doom 1 is practically a prototype of 2

There is quite literally no reason to make a Doom 1 mapset other than as some gimmick

This is why Doom 1 combat is great. I hope you see the light.

Peak Doom1 Combat.zip

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It's true that a lot of people are only interested in DOOM 2, but that doesn't mean you should give up. Instead, you should use WayBackMachine and go back to the beginning of Doomworld and post your maps there. People from back then are less picky and some of them haven't even played DOOM 2 yet.

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Doom 1 is great. I think any mapper can benefit from spending some time working with the limited monster selection and learning to use them to their best advantage. 


That aside, I want good megawads and don't think that is limited by using one IWAD or the other. Good maps are good regardless. 

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31 minutes ago, JackDBS said:

Doom 1 combat is great because uhh... IT JUST IS OKAY??

Not downloading that btw

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Recently I played "NJDoom" from November 1994, one of the first megawads ever created, and had a lot of fun (I mean A LOT), despite it's a very old work and it's only for Doom 1, cause such were the times.

I played a lot of shovelware wads from the 90s, some of them were so obscure that there is no sign of existence for them in the internet, they were also for Doom 1, yet they were fun and cosy, at least for me.

So, why not?

If you want to create something - create it no matter what, you'll always find at least one person in the world who would like your work.

Edited by Vanilla+Unicorn

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26 minutes ago, Vanilla+Unicorn said:

Recently I played "NJDoom" from November 1994, one of the first megawads ever created, and had a lot of fun (I mean A LOT), despite it's a very old work and it's only for Doom 1, cause such were the times. 

How funny, I literally downloaded that yesterday for the first time and I was not expecting it to be like that. And I agree with you, it was surprisingly fun for 1994, I got a real kick out of Episode 3. Lavish as hell imo.


Thank you for the good words.

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2 hours ago, Sesamia said:

Yes.  I'm even making my own Doom 1 episode right now.  We could all use some more Doom 1.

You can say that again.


14 hours ago, Misty said:

Of course! I have soft spot for Doom 1 projects and I believe many others have similar feelings. So, keep going and don't afraid to seek playtesters if needed. Good luck with project!

Thank you very much!


14 hours ago, Lila Feuer said:

Ignore the silly naysayers, some of the best Doom projects are designed with the first game in mind!

I can agree on that, long live the Ultimate Doom.

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Who always needs Hell Knights anyway.


Quite a few mappers like to reimagine the classic Doom including me. But of course don't just limit yourself to Doom 1 as Doom 2 has plenty more to offer. It all depends on what mood you are in choosing which game to create maps for.

Edited by pcorf

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2 hours ago, pcorf said:

Who always needs Hell Knights anyway.


Quite a few mappers like to reimagine the classic Doom including me. But of course don't just limit yourself to Doom 1 as Doom 2 has plenty more to offer. It all depends on what mood you are in choosing which game to create maps for.

Wow! Very cool to see you here Paul, you are actually my favorite creator. 2002 ADO was the first custom Doom WAD I ever played all those years back. Currently working through Ep.4 of 2022 ADO, quite a hefty package. I really enjoy your works, thanks for the feedback.

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On 4/24/2024 at 2:59 AM, cannonball said:

In short to the op, just make what you want in your own distinct vision, you never know, you might have the next classic UDoom Megawad to be discovered by the community.

Late response, but your name rang a bell. Did you contribute to most of the UDINO maps? Because my God that WAD was nuts.


Different note, thank you for the words! It's nice to hear Ult Doom is still admired in the community, even if it isn't as frequented as Doom II.

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The Venn diagram of "Best Doom textures" and "Textures that were removed in Doom 2" is a circle.

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