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I tried to open Gzdoom with SmoothDoom but when I opened gzdoom the gzdoom application, exe just disappeared from the doom2 folder and I apparently cant just paste another gzdoom.exe in the folder because I need permission to do so?? I do have other source ports but Im trying to test my wad on gzdoom but I dont have it now aaaaaaaaaaaaaa. If you dont know what I am talking about I'll send screenshots.





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Not used GZDoom in a while but I tend to have a GZDoom folder and copy the doom2.wad inside it instead of the way you describe. Then drag any wads you want to play that session (SmoothDoom in this case) onto the GZDoom.exe to play. If using multiple wads together, then use a front end to help out. https://zdoom.org/wiki/Frontend

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51 minutes ago, ChaingunChaCha said:

Not used GZDoom in a while but I tend to have a GZDoom folder and copy the doom2.wad inside it instead of the way you describe. Then drag any wads you want to play that session (SmoothDoom in this case) onto the GZDoom.exe to play. If using multiple wads together, then use a front end to help out. https://zdoom.org/wiki/Frontend

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You can also make a shortcut to GZDoom.exe and then change the Properties under the Shortcut tab.


In the Target field, set as game directory and executable, and add the -file parameter.



C:\gzdoom\gzdoom.exe -file smoothdoom.pk3


Then just drag whatever wad file you want to play onto the shortcut

Edited by CravenCoyote

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While a frontend comes in quite handy at times, there are some indispensable files which I load all the time from the ini file, for example




To find the location of the ini file in Windows use whereisini in the console


Edited by Kappes Buur

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