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Doom Novella: A concept of a concept of a idea


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Grungo listen to audiobook of knee deep in dead, me understand from peoples criticism thatit's cheesy and kinda bad and becomes a FEVER dream in later novels but grungo kinda enjoys it, me like the narration of doomguy and how he talked and explained every action he made, which inspired me to play maps and talk to myself in this way, improvising stories while me blast evil spirits and devils with scattergun.


what things do you enjoy about the novels and do you think it had a impact on doom as a whole?

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I read it about ten years ago and while I did enjoy it, the only thing that has stuck with me besides a vague sense of the overall atmosphere is the rocket launcher using tiny rockets.

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I only finished the first one, and that was way back in like 2006 or something, so I don't remember much.  It was fun for what it was, mostly as a "hey I recognize that thing he's talking about" since the entire thing is essentially a narrative of the first 3 episodes of Doom.  Some of the creative liberties (e.g. imps sneezing flaming boogs into their hands to throw) were a bit strange, not so bad at the time but they annoyed me more once I realized it was to make the whole story about mutant aliens or whatever.  Especially I was still salty about the first Doom movie semper fi, mother fucker and wasn't prepared for another telling that sucked all the cool demonic mysticism out of the story, which is why I stopped reading as soon as they stopped shooting through the IWAD levels and started hanging out with gorillas in space

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Grungo have been finished the first doom novel, you know the non canon ones, and me wondered if there was any mod ideas salvageable similar to doom delta


such as SIGCOWs, multidoor computer ais, talking demons, vulcan cannons, 10mm pistols, 2 different shotguns, one with a adjustable cone pattern, and battery sized rockets


also it'd be nice to remake maps based on what Flynn and Arlene discribed areas


I have yet to read all novels though, I am beginning book 2 on a audiobook (credit to PlumpHelmetPunk, does a good taggart voice)


would you think this mod would be a good idea? maybe there could be more stuff, like co op, NPCs (like bill rich) MREs, soulspheres that leap at you, hypodermics, bleed damage, oxygen,child enemies (ok maybe not, but there are miniature demons in the story) ecetera.


Hell, maybe even a custom campaign



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On 4/25/2024 at 10:42 AM, Grungo said:

I am beginning book 2 on a audiobook (credit to PlumpHelmetPunk, does a good taggart voice)

YOU ABSOLUTE LEGEND - I thought I would never read the Doom II book, I had no idea this existed.  Thankyou so much, you cro-magnon genius 

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12 minutes ago, Maximum Matt said:

YOU ABSOLUTE LEGEND - I thought I would never read the Doom II book, I had no idea this existed.  Thankyou so much, you cro-magnon genius 

yes, but me reccomend to listen to the first audiolog series, nice voice

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Ah yeah man, I know the first Doom book (and the authors' prose style) very well.

I will listen to it to refresh my memory of that book, but only after the Doom II one - this has been a long time coming for me, my prehistoric compatriot.  I MUST know how the Doom II story is told, immediately.  (I just finished chapter one already :-)

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