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Duke Nukem 3D Bestiary equivalent to Doom


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So, for a bit of fun guessing, I considered taking a look at the Duke Nukem 3D bestiary and consider which enemy is the equivalent to Doom and Doom 2's, and here's which enemy I think corresponds to each monster, though some of the Doom monsters might share a Duke enemy with each other depending on the situation.


Assault Trooper = Zombieman

Assault Captain = Shotgun Guy / Imp

Enforcer = Heavy Weapon Dude / Hell Knight

Pig Cop = Imp (Some might consider Pig Cops the Duke equivalent to Shotgun Guys, but they take more hits than the Captains, so I'm settling with Imps)

Recon Patrol Vehicle = Imp (since RPV's are just Pig Cops on hovering cars)

Pig Cop Tank = Arachnotron

Octabrain = Demon / Cacodemon / Pain Elemental

Protozoid Slimer = Lost Soul

Protozoid Slimer Egg = Pain Elemental

Sentry Drone = Lost Soul

Assault Commander = Mancubus / Baron of Hell

Protector Drone = Revenant / Arch-Vile

Battlelord = Spider Mastermind

Battlelord Sentry (Mini-Battlelord) = Baron of Hell / Spider Mastermind / Cyberdemon

Overlord = Cyberdemon

Cycloid Emperor = Cyberdemon

Alien Queen = Icon of Sin (possibly)


Would you agree that these are fitting equivalents? I haven't included the mini Overlords and Cycloids since they've never been utilised in the official game, except for the World Tour re-release, and speaking of which, I'm not including Firefly Troopers and the Cycloid Incinerator for that reason. I haven't included the sharks as they're just critter-type enemies, and turrets are just stationary hazards that you can destroy.

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Honestly RPV is closer to Cacodemon as it has more hp (or it is just me having a hard time hitting them) and of course flying

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3 hours ago, Dimon12321 said:

Pig Cop is closer to Heavy Weapon Dude by vitality and the amount of trouble it can cause.

I think Enforcers are more troublesome than Pig Cops, considering they can run fast and coupled with their chainguns and ability to spit venom at you, they're more or less the chaingunners of Duke, so I still stand with Pig Cops being the equivalent to Imps, since both the imp and the chaingunner, despite the slight difference in health, are still very close in vitality, and taking into account that both the pig cop and enforcer have the same amount of health, plus imps can cause trouble if they get the chance to Zerg Rush you, which makes them close to being a medium-tier monster, albeit a weak one.

Edited by T-Rex

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15 hours ago, T-Rex said:

Alien Queen = Icon of Sin (possibly)


Definitely. You kill them both by putting exposives in the hole that the monsters come out of 😏



Edited by xdarkmasterx

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On 4/27/2024 at 11:12 PM, Artyoman said:

Honestly RPV is closer to Cacodemon as it has more hp (or it is just me having a hard time hitting them) and of course flying

It's very tricky to decide which Doom enemy could correspond with the RPV. Cacodemons and Pain Elementals are a possibility, thinking about it, but the thing with RPVs is that unlike Octabrains and Commanders that can fly around freely, they fly in a rather fixed pattern. Simply put, when you're designing a Duke 3D map with RPVs in them, you need to give them a hitag value, then set in certain sprites known as locators that will dictate where the RPVs will travel as long as their hitag values correspond with the ones assigned to the RPVs, and they also must have their altitudes positioned. Without the locators, the RPVs will just remain stationary floating around aimlessly.

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Now, obviously there's no direct comparison for some/many of the enemies since the enemies in both games are very different. I will try to group them together roughly in terms of their threat and their type of attack/movement pattern.


  • Assault trooper = Zombieman, Imp
  • Assault captain = Imp, Shotgunner
  • Pig Cop = Shotgunner, Chaingunner (it's behavior is like shotgunner, but threat level is closer to Chaingunner) 
  • Enforcer = Chaingunner
  • Octabrain = Cacodemon (but if you have devastator, then they are more like flying imps)
  • RPV Pig Cop = Cacodemon (the closest I could think of)
  • Pig Cop Tank = Mancubus, Arachnotron (closest equivalent threat level enemies I could think of) 
  • Protozoid slimer = Lost Soul
  • Protozoid slimer egg = Lost Soul (not pain elemental, since it only hatches once. This makes it distinctly different)
  • Sentry drone = Cacodemon, Lost Soul (closest enemies I could think of. Still very different)
  • Assault commander = Mancubus, Baron of Hell (still very different but whatever) 
  • Protector Drone = Revenant (only because of some similarities like fast speed, their projectile having a chance to be fatal, but they both resort to melee attacks at close range)
  • Battlelord sentry = Archvile (in term of health and general threat level, but otherwise they are closer to SMM in behavior)
  • Battlelord = SMM
  • Overlord = Cyberdemon
  • Cycloid Emperor = Cyberdemon
  • Alien Queen = IoS


Interesting thread though. Makes me want to do one myself for other games.

Edited by ReaperAA

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Having a closer look at the differences between the Doom and Duke Nukem 3D enemies, I grouped them not just in threat level and attack/movement pattern, but also their vitality, and these are the following. Keep in mind that this is somewhat as like a guideline for when converting a Doom map into a Duke map.


Assault Trooper = Zombieman (weakest of their respected bestiaries)


Assault Captain = Shotgunner / Imp (second-toughest for the former, latter for when Pig Cops are excluded)


Pig Cop = Imp (while they are generally easier to take down, an Imp can sometimes survive one point blank shotgun blast, and can take more than 10 shots from a pistol if the RNG is unkind, and although Pig Cops can be as threatening as chaingunners, they don't keep firing until you're dead or out of their line of sight. Also worth nothing that originally Pig Cops were going to have an additional melee attack besides the hitscan)


RPV = Cacodemon / Pain Elemental (closest as they're flying enemies, though Pain Elemental seems a bit likely since destroying an RPV always spawns a Pig Cop)


Pig Cop Tank = Arachnotron


Enforcer = Chaingunner / Hell Knight (obvious for the former, and Hell Knights are slightly close to being as threatening as chaingunners)


Octabrain = Demon / Cacodemon / Pain Elemental


Protozoid Slimer / Protozoid Slimer Egg = Lost Soul


Sentry Drone = Lost soul (in the sense that both enemies do take at least two shotgun blasts, and they charge towards you for head-on collision)


Assault Commander = Mancubus / Baron of Hell (the former since they're fat monsters, while the latter as they function like mid-boss enemies)


Protector Drone = Revenant / Arch-Vile (all are fast, and while revenants do have both melee and projectile attacks, they're still mid-tier enemies while both the Protector Drone and Arch-Vile are the second strongest non-boss enemy before the Commander and Baron respectively, not to mention getting shrunk and smooshed is just as bad if not lethal than getting burst into flames)


Battlelord Sentry = Baron of Hell / Spider Mastermind / Cyberdemon (The last two are for those in Doom 2 where they're recurring enemies)


Battlelord = Spider Mastermind


Overlord = Cyberdemon


Cycloid Emperor = Cyberdemon


Alien Queen = Icon of Sin (Though different, they spawn enemies, though the Alien Queen spawns only Protector Drones while the Icon of Spin spawns random Hellspawn)


That's as close as I can get to Doom to Duke translation.

Edited by T-Rex

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