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[Community Project, GZDoom] The Exitium Project

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Hallo my Brüder und Schwestern, mostly ghost user finally peaking out. I've been working and slaving away at this one DooM wad for a good 2 years now, I have all the weapons and monsters done, but now I need to add the maps, and I cant do that because I lack depth perception for some damn reason, so I come here!

The Project is for DooM II, but is designed to be the unofficial and not actual Plutonia 3, due to the Earth maps being set in the Pacific Front, based off the Second World War, thus, allowing mappers to use Plutonia Textures, Maps should either be vanilla or limit removing, while I want the theme and look to be mostly influenced by me or the references, the traps and Plutonia kind of thing is completely up to you, and all the hell maps should be like D64 Maps, they should give that D64 Reloaded theme and vibe and jampacked with demons! Please submit the maps directly on the forum please, and join the Discord if you like, Dankeschoen

Discord Link Here:


No more slot limits!


I'd like to release this mod in the next few months, all the weapons and 99% of the monsters are done, now I just need some maps, and I do hope for Stellar work, thank you!

(Maps, there will be 45 in total, 29 for base game, 15 for secret maps, 3 of which for the remade Demon Keys, and the deadline for each trial is about a week before I turn you down)


MAP01 - Azure Comeback

MAP02 - Sundowner Ridge

MAP03 - Tarawa
MAP04 - Sunburn (Secret Exit MAP30)

MAP05 - Shiroyama
MAP06 - Storm of Steel (Secret Exit MAP31)
MAP07 - Iwo Jima


MAP08 - Armory Compound 4
MAP09 - Endless Horizon (Secret Exit to Demon Key 1 MAP32)


MAP10 - Cantigny
MAP11 - Nothing Remains
MAP12 - Ordered Massacre (Secret Exit MAP33)
MAP13 - Osowiec 
MAP14 - Ruina Imperii 
MAP15 - Into the Fire
MAP16 - Burning Red 
MAP17 - Aughrim (Secret Exit Demon Key 2 MAP35)
MAP18 - They Burn
MAP19 - Downfall
MAP20 - Alastor's Circus
MAP21 - Enemy at the Gates
MAP22 - The Valley of Death
MAP23 - Strength
MAP24 - Dead Steel
MAP25 - We Remember
MAP26 - Brimstone
MAP27 - Twisted Mind (Secret Exit Demon Key 3 MAP44)
MAP28 - Hill 13
MAP29 - Exitium


MAP30 - To Hell and Back (Exit MAP05)
MAP31 - Where No Soldier Sleeps (Exit MAP07)
MAP32 - Entrenched (Exit MAP10)
MAP33 - Gravestone (Supersecret Exit MAP34, Exit MAP13)
MAP34 - Tombstone (Exit MAP13)
MAP35 - Demented Demon (Supersecret Exit MAP36, Exit MAP18)
MAP36 - The Bay of Pigs (Supersecret Exit Map37, Exit MAP18)
MAP37 - Killing Grounds (Secret Exit to MAP38, Exit MAP18)

MAP38 - Belleau Wood (Secret Exit to MAP39, Exit MAP18)

MAP39 - Libera Et Impera (Secret Exit to MAP40, Exit MAP18)

MAP40 - Burn Their Unholy Crosses (Secret Exit to MAP41, Exit MAP18)
MAP41 - Unbreakable (Secret Exit to MAP42, Exit MAP18)

MAP42 - A Lifetime of War (Secret Exit to MAP43, Exit MAP18)
MAP43 - Go 6 It (Exit MAP18)
MAP44 - Blood Red Shadows (Secret Exit to Secret Boss MAP45, Exit MAP28)
MAP45 - Forbidden Depths (Exit MAP28)

Apologies if this is a clusterfuck, and I even further apologize if the Mass Chain of Secret levels is a bad idea, but I did want to include a bunch of bonus levels for players who are looking for a challenge



Slot 1

-Fists, your old reliable
-Double Bladed Chainsaw
-Sledge Hammer (Incredibly powerful, and if you fire it while in the air, it does much more damage)

Slot 2

-Shotvolver, just your good old shotgun revolver

Slot 3

-M97 Trenchgun
-Browning Auto 5 Shotgun
-M1 York, an Autoshotgun actually designed by the main character!
-Super Riot Shotgun, INCREDIBLY powerful, good for room clearing or packing a good punch
-Super Shotgun, even MORE powerful, this is best used for packing an incredibly powerful punch, downs even the bigger demons in a few shots!

Slot 4

-M1919 Thompson
-BAR M1918
-M2A1 Stinger, the official US Stinger Gun, Marine Corps favorite, high damage, high fire rate, and you spawn with it!
-M2 Browning (Going to be replaced if I ever get M1914 Hotchkiss Sprites made for me)
-M4 Chaingun, your main and iconic weapon, incredibly powerful, saws entire hordes of demons in half!

Slot 5

-Irish Hurt Locher
-M79 "Thumpgun"

-Mills Bomb(s)

Slot 6

-M9 Railgun, High Damage, High Speed, only downside? It takes a while to cool down
-M4 Plasmagun

Slot 7

-Demolisher BFG 1300, this thing is one of, if not, the most powerful thing in this wad, so mappers, be careful when placing! It one shots all of the none boss demons, even with the tracers!
-M1A1 BFG 10K 
-Devastator, Basically a red version of the DooM 2016 BFG, but on steroids!

Slot 8

-Unmaker (With all Three Demon Keys)




-Nailborg Trench Sergeant
-Nailborg Commando
-Nailborg Major
-Super Cyber Devil
-Flying Devil/Gargoyle
-Argent Soul

Light Work

-Super Blood Fiend
-Hellborne Cacodemon
-Uber Spider
-Revenant (And it's much more bastard Berserker Variant, which can be life enders, so be careful placing those bastards)


-Behemoth/Ultra Cyberdemon, a Cyberdemon, but with a chaingun!
-Demolisher, this one mappers need to be careful with, because not only does it have dual explosive chainguns, it also has that Demolisher BFG
-Tankhugger, a large, dismembered mancubus, but put on treads! It has dual flamethrowers, rockets, and dual chainguns
-Alastor, no, this is not the one from Hazbin Hotel, but it is a bastard! It can go invincible for a short time to evade you, because you are that much of a bastard, spawn more demons (Specifically the Flying Devil, The Nailborg Major, the Nailborg Chaingunner, and even an Exterminator if the game hates you that much)
-Agony Incarnate (WIP, big demon, goes in the secret forbidden deeper level, just build a cage at the end, like the D64 Cage)
-Guard of Erebus (Yet to be WIP, the boss that goes before the Final Boss)
-The Father Demon (Final Boss, and yet to be WIP)



The Past...

The Classified Documents are open, the truth is revealed, the lie is no more.

There was one other survivor of the Phobos Anomaly, 36 Year Old, 7'9'', Tennessean leader of the USMC, Michael Kelly York.

"Those damned military doctors and scientists, thinking they could medicate me, saying I need medication to be less of a sociopath, it's all bullshit, so what if I'm impulsive? If so I'm violent? What the hell does it matter? They lied, they lied just to say I was dead, just so the public wasn't scared of me, the damned leader of the American Marine Corps, all that fighting, all those 10 years in the Third World War, using damn World War I equipment, for what? To be told I'm a monster?"


The Recent...

An operation was ordered, straight from high command, it was to be the ultimate Search and Destroy, the assignment was simple, drive them back, drive them back to the deepest pits of hell, but it was failed, and with you, now back on the sidelines, you're sent in, alone...

With hell off dealing with the original DooM Marine, they send a new legion of unholy demons off your way, the new entities are devastating and ruthless, but every time, you shall force them back, all the way back, you will always be worse, always.




-Tell me which map you picked
-One screenshot must be included
-Anything you might want to say about the level



This doesn't come until later, because I dont want to go willy nilly and make music for the maps that dont fit, but I will eventually, also, guide this part, but, for now, I believe it would be a good idea to have 26 music slots, you can name them whatever you want



MAP01 - Large, open, literally should be like an Earth, Pacific Version of one of those open TNT Maps, jungle like.
MAP08 - MAP09, simple, just needs to have the general D64 Space Base Feel
MAP10, Catigny, should be a large, wide open wheatfield like area, with a general gloomy feel, as now it leans more into a gloomy, dark, D64 Styled hell
MAP17, Aughrim, this is bias because Im Irish, and Aughrim was the deadliest Irish battle of all time, so it should be hellish, face paced, and open, honestly, most of the hell levels should be wide and open, like how Mount Erebus was in DooM 1993
MAP20, this should introduce the Archvile replacement: Alastor
MAP22, this should be a 13x more bastardized version of "Watch your Step" from D64, actually jam packed to the damn brim with demons
MAP26, MAP33, and MAP34, they should be like their Team Fortress 2 Counterparts, and yes, thats why I named them that.
MAP27, this should be this wad's counterpart to D64's "The Spiral," it should be an actual bloodbath, I mean a BLOODBATH
MAP28, big ass hill that you can charge up, demons literally god damn everywhere, total, complete bloodbath, 82nd All the Way type of vibes, also should contain the Guard of Erebus as a pre-final-boss, also not added yet
MAP29, Exitium, now while the Father Demon isnt done, the concept is that it's basically the Mother Demon on ultimate crack, so just work on the level, and add the Father Demon when it's made
MAP43, should be self explanatory, 2,000 Fucking demons, demons everywhere
MAP44, D64 "In the Void" but darker and scarier
MAP45, this should contain the secret boss "The Agony Incarnate," which, as you can tell, has not been added yet either, but its going to be very big, it should be like "Forbidden Deeper" from D64 Reloaded




(No Maps, just the weapons and enemies, all the new enemies include "NailborgMajor", the "FlyingDevil", and "Berserker"




Edited by Mach 7

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Interesting concept, i see also quotes to Doom 64 style as well, i wish you and everyone involved good luck with this very ambitious project!

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5 hours ago, Walter confetti said:

Interesting concept, i see also quotes to Doom 64 style as well, i wish you and everyone involved good luck with this very ambitious project!

Thank you!

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