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Doomed Mansion

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Doomed Mansion, aka Haunted House of the Doomed

A map I started in y2k and finally finished in July 2023. Yep. Been a good hobby over the years to come back to. Decided I should release it to the public to enjoy after all this time. Already started on my next map series.

Screenshots followed by a "director's commentary" playthrough video:


6 screenshots samples:

Opening courtyard


Guest wing


A doomed void


A hall




UACdead ;-)


Folder of the requisite files Dmansion.wad, HH.wad, HH.deh and including a proper old school .txt description & brief story .txt files to read:


g'ahead, download the whole folder (1.5Mb)...



Please load all 3 files: Dmansion.wad (the maps), HH.wad (the gfx & sfx), and HH.deh (necessary specific alterations to things, all documented in DMspoilers.txt for you). Things will look weird without HH.wad and things will behave not as intended without HH.deh.  "HH" stood for "Haunted House", the first/working title, heh.


This is made for GZDoom with Doom 2, and uses a couple of its features. At one part you must crouch for a sec, and jumping is handy from time to time as is the ability to freelook.

Maps 01 & 02.
Single player & co-op.  (Re-re-tested 2 player co-op with my cousin in January 2024 to confirm.)

Just a few new graphics & sounds, nothing annoying... those I didn't draw/record myself are mostly from Heretic and properly documented & credited in the folder above.

One new simple song I composed myself to set the mood.

All difficulties accounted for. Pick the easier 2 if you want it easy; it was intended to be played on Hurt Me Plenty; UV amps HMP up a bit as it should.


I designed this to stay somewhat in the style of classic Doom mapping, so over the years I didn't go crazy with using the many 21st century source port features we have available these days; just sampled some when I had a specifc idea.  I'm happy with the balance between old & new designing I ended with.

I love haunted houses and metroidvanias, so those design motifs were always in my mind.  A few backtracking hallways and secrets, some weirdness.


Yes of course it's not bright.





Edit 05/02/2024 -- updated gDrive link.

Edit 05/02/2024 -- described the 3 requisite files in the folder to load up.

Edited by DiavoJinx

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This was a very cool mansion map! Filled with nice bits of detail (bars and cafes are in obvious evidence, along with a lab because of course), a few cheesy little bits of sfx that probably don't need to be there, to be honest, and a successfully foreboding atmosphere. I feel the ending could've been far more intuitive after killing the Cyberdemon in the chamber though.


Note: As this was my second playthrough, you miss out on me not finding the Super Shotgun until the ruined stage with the Pain Elemental, as well as the dehacked pistol actually loading correctly.




Edited by LadyMistDragon

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On 5/1/2024 at 8:22 AM, Zesiir said:

The download link does not seem to work.

Thank you!
Looks like that folder on my gDrive is gone!  But of course I have backups so I'll restore this in a few hours once I get home for work.


[[Now updated, thank you kindly.]]

Edited by DiavoJinx

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On 4/29/2024 at 7:20 PM, LadyMistDragon said:

This was a very cool mansion map! Filled with nice bits of detail (bars and cafes are in obvious evidence, along with a lab because of course), a few cheesy little bits of sfx that probably don't need to be there, to be honest, and a successfully foreboding atmosphere. I feel the ending could've been far more intuitive after killing the Cyberdemon in the chamber though.


Note: As this was my second playthrough, you miss out on me not finding the Super Shotgun until the ruined stage with the Pain Elemental, as well as the dehacked pistol actually loading correctly.


Thank you for the feedback!  Thanks also for making a video -- always curious to see how someone else will go through it. Can't wait to watch when I'm home from work tonight. =)

Edited by DiavoJinx

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