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***Update 5/12/24
            - Fixed door texture issue
            - Composed custom MIDI


Hi everybody, I'm a lurker coming out of the shadows with a map! I really enjoy watching DOOM content on youtube, and I started messing around with doom builder earlier this year to see what I could come up with. This is the first map I finished and polished up, and I'd love your feedback.




This looks like the end. You tried to defeat the legions of hell, but there were too many of them. A clawed-handed something has just dumped you into a nukage pit full of fallen marines. It seems like humans are garbage to them, but you knew that already. The radioactive slime burns as you sink into it. But then it stops hurting, and before long you stand up feeling just fine, if a little confused. You don't seem to be dead... but at this point, you might not be human, either...


So far I just have the one short map, but I'd like to eventually build off of it and make a larger wad based on the same concept. The map is part combat, part puzzle solving, where Doom Guy is an irradiated marine who can walk in nukage safely (it even heals him) but can't leave the nukage without taking damage.


Hint for solving map 1:

  Reveal hidden contents


>> Download Link



- Tested with GZDoom


- Doom 2 IWAD

- MAP01 start, one map so far

Edited by CactusChowder

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Cool concept, having to rely on nukage slime to get around. I've no idea how you did it with creating slime textures on floors by exploding barrels, but it's refreshing to see something new. Gameplay is alright for such a short map, and the level design looks good.


You should probably fix those moving door textures by checking the 'lower unpegged' box, looks better.


Not much else to say, really. Short, fun map with a twist.

Edited by Zesiir

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This WAD isn't too bad. I do like the level design and it is quite fun. However, there are some things that may need some work. I would suggest spreading out the enemies in the first room, along with fixing some of the textures in the map. All in all, though, I really did enjoy the map. I would give this map a 6/10.

Edited by eanasir

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@Zesiir Thank you so much! The moving door textures were bugging me, thanks for the fix.


Here's how to make a barrel leave a slime puddle after you explode it -


- Draw the shape of the slime puddle around the barrel as a sector on the floor. Add smaller sectors for splashes if you're feeling fancy. Keep the floor texture the same for now.

- Assign a tag to each of the hidden puddle sectors (1, let's say)

- Use a script like this one to describe how the puddle sectors should change. Assigning a negative sector damage makes it heal you.


Script 1 (void)
    ChangeFloor(1, "NUKAGE1");
    Sector_SetDamage(1, -1, 13);
    Light_ChangeToValue (1, 200);





- Assign action 80 ('script execute') to the barrel in the Edit Thing menu, and choose your script from the drop down menu (it would be 'Script 1' in this case)

- That's all there is to it. When the barrel 'dies,' it executes the script, and the script changes the texture, damage value, and lighting of the hidden puddle sectors. You could absolutely use this to make barrels leave behind toxic sludge puddles in a map without the gimmick that my map has.

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