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Resident evil style saves?

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Recently, I've been playing some resident evil and I was wondering "could I use a similar save type in the GZdoom engine?".


For those who don't know; Resident evil has a type of saving system where you have to go up to a typewriter object to save your game instead of regular saving methods in most games nowadays. If someone could please tell me if this is plausible or not, that would be helpful. Thanks.

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It's a cool idea but there's some problems with going through with it...

  1. You'd have to find a way to force the user to turn autosaves off
  2. You'd most likely have to distribute a special config of GZDoom with your TC just to make sure everything save related is unbound, meaning you cannot force players to NOT save if it's not a TC
Edited by Obsidian Plague

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  • 3 weeks later...

I also like the idea, conceptually.

I've recently observed the current classic Doom playing culture is frequent saves, such as right after combat encounter; and frequent reloads when things don't go 100% flawlessly. (I hope people with that mindset don't do that in the game Monaco, which shines specifically when things don't go flawlessly!)  Back in the day I'd only save at the start of a level and only reload if I completely died to 0% health.


Perhaps it could be, while not strictly enforced, encouraged as the author's intent by designing a large map and introducing it (mentioning the intent in its forum release thread here, in its .txt file, and maybe with on-screen text at level start) to players and then designing the map to have dedicated safe rooms like RE1 has where nothing happens in them & no one can get you in them. (Script a music change coming & going in those rooms perhaps.)


I think when you release something to the public, it's no longer under your strict control and people will engage with it as they want anyway. =)

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