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MAYhem 2024 - EXEMPLARY CADAVER (Compiling mode engaged, please stand by)

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I do like the 1st MIDI, but I prefer the second one because I think it has a lil bit of an "ice level" feel to it while keeping some sort of feeling of hopelessness (which is kinda what I felt while playing this level blindly).
I would call it "Thin Ice" (or some pun/sentence with thin ice in it), because I think this level is being mean to blind players by always making them feel like they are one wrong step/one bad decision away from ending up stuck in a really disadvantageous position. I also like Gothic's name (The Heat Rise), because of the large amount of water (AKA: melted ice), but I think Thin Ice work too with this environment, since there's still some ice around but not that much (just like thin ice)


I would take the 1st MIDI, I don't think the second one totally fit the mood. I just wish this MIDI looped properly... :(

For the name, I don't really like "Doomguy's Cozy Mansion", because the level is still kinda hard (especially if you go "off script" and end up in a fight without proper weapons (the SSG as no rights to be a secret...)), so it's not "Cozy". I also don't like "Worst Dinner Party Ever", because I really don't get the vibe of a dinner party being hosted. Yes, there's some tables with a health bonus, but that's pretty much it... Honestly, I think I would take VICE's name (Don't Mansion It) if no one else come out with a better name


(Also, YAY! It's my time to map! :3)

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How exactly do we go about implementing difficulty settings? Do I just edit my part of the map and then send it to you?

Also, how much are we allowed to adjust the map?

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2 hours ago, Li'l devil said:

I found 3 switches in that room, 2 in the northern side and 1 in the southern side, and only one of the doors opened.

There are 4 switches in that room, one to raise the bridge and the other 3 for each door. You most likely missed the blue switch.

Edited by Logamuffin

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2 hours ago, Obsidian said:

There's three doors there and their tags correspond to a matching key switch. I dunno what to tell you, chum.

Oh, so it turns out I completely missed the middle-eastern map piece which leads to one of the switches on my first run. I thought I visited it because it was filled on my automap, but that's because I opened the door to it, immediately closed and forgot about it.


Well, it's cool that it turned out that all of the map pieces are necessary to visit.

Edited by Li'l devil

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51 minutes ago, JJBoren said:


How exactly do we go about implementing difficulty settings? Do I just edit my part of the map and then send it to you?

Also, how much are we allowed to adjust the map?


I'd say that's the best way to go, although it is admittedly a rather unique challenge for multiple disparate parties to manage the difficulty settings on a single map. It might be a good idea to nominate someone to go over the map as a whole and make changes with the blessing of the other participants...or I suppose I could just do it myself. XP Whichever works for people.


As for changes, I'm fine with little tweaks to the gameplay or removing bugs. Not too sure about larger changes, but then again I did pitch the idea of me remodeling the scenery to make it more coherent between pieces: maybe I've got no room to talk in that regard, haha. I suppose it'd be best to just run the change by me if you think it's suitably large enough.

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1 hour ago, Timilyo80 said:

(the SSG as no rights to be a secret...)

The SSG secret eschews concepts of right and wrong in favor of a mysterious, third thing (using your senses).



Considering what the other map pieces contain though, it ends up being a gameplay-altering secret, so if more people agree that's it's difficult to find, I'm willing to move it to behind the red door and put some more shells in its place (the map desperately needs more shell ammo).



2 minutes ago, Obsidian said:

I did pitch the idea of me remodeling the scenery to make it more coherent between pieces

I'm fine with that.

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Okay, I recorded a demo of me beating map 03 in 12:06... on ITYTD, because for me even ITYTD is hard enough, and I just couldn't beat it on HNTR. It took me many attempts to do this successful run. If map 03 is considered "easy", then I shouldn't even try other maps, heh.


Also! I found a significant design flaw on the map: in the middle-center section if a shotgunner opens the door to the middle-eastern section, your shots can wake up the hundred or so imps there prematurely, which may make the middle-eastern section unbeatable. I strongly suggest making that door unopenable by monsters.


-complevel 9, plays back with the current map version.


Edited by Li'l devil

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15 hours ago, Timilyo80 said:

I would take the 1st MIDI, I don't think the second one totally fit the mood. I just wish this MIDI looped properly... :(

I made the midi that was chosen for map 3, it was originally made for a shorter map for a personal project, so i didn't bother to make it loop.

I was already thinking of extending it when i was making my part of the map, but i didn't have time to do so.

If @Obsidian allows it, i can make an extended version that doesn't fade in and out and that actually loops.

Edited by DankMetal

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11 minutes ago, DankMetal said:

I made the midi that was chosen for map 3, it was originaly for a shorter map for a personal project, so i didn't bother to make it loop.

I was already thinking of extending it when i was making my part of the map, but i didn't have time to do so.

If @Obsidian allows it, i can make an extended version that doesn't fade in and out and that actually loops.

Hell yeah, I would love an extended version even if it doesn't make it into the WAD! tbh that's the kind of good shit that could end up in my Personal Doom Playlist™

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42 minutes ago, DankMetal said:

If @Obsidian allows it, i can make an extended version that doesn't fade in and out and that actually loops.


Oh heck yeah, go for it!

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Okay, finished MAP02, some thoughts:


  • This really does feel oppressively difficult. I know difficulties might not have been done for some segments. But, currently, there are 11 arch-viles, and 8 of those are on Easy. A big problem is the bleed-over between segments. Generally, the map could also probably use a little more ammo.
  • This Baron never spawned in:


  • The blue armour secret trigger (bottom left segment) definitely does not feel like it's telegraphed well enough to make for a satisfying secret.
  • I assume the BFG was meant to be tagged as a secret, but wasn't? It feels weird that it's not marked as a secret.
  • The top-left corner segment has a lot of "C8OFFSET" ceiling flats, which don't seem to be in the resource pack.
  • Aside from the difficulty, I like this map a lot, surprisingly cohesive. A lot of nice details, such as the tank and the curved monitors in the top-right segment. Also, that spiral stair case :)

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I think Obsidian editing the outer edges of the maps to bring everything together sounds great.  That said, I had a center segment so my opinion isn't as important there.  Also fine with Obsidian implementing the difficulty settings, although I'd be happy to submit my own for my piece if needed.


I'm okay with either of the proposed names for map 01.  If it does get moved out of the map 01 slot (I see no reason not to order the maps based on difficulty rather than build order) then Cold Open would no longer be an appropriate name.  I think the current midi fits with the map.


In terms of my own segment (center of map 01), I played through it and don't see any real conflicts with any of the other pieces.  I am happy to hear suggestions from anyone, though, especially if the other map 01 mappers want to coordinate any of the thing placement better.

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I never added diffiiculty settings to my piece as I understood that would be handled in post which I am fine with @Obsidian doing.

Regarding the bfg: I intended it to be a super secret, which to me means it is not a marked as a secret and the prize is the journey and figuring out how to get the object. I think I managed to put the switch in a location where you are distracted by something shiny infront of it.

Edited by NeedHealth

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4 hours ago, BeachThunder said:

The top-left corner segment has a lot of "C8OFFSET" ceiling flats, which don't seem to be in the resource pack.


21 hours ago, Obsidian said:

Oh yeah, and here's a quick ninja edit of the resource pack: nothing huge, just added some composites that I made for my MAP04 piece and a realigned flat for a portion of MAP02.

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looking through MAP02 I spotted a few errors,



Should be F_SKY1




These two cacodemons (thing 481, thing 483) can be activated prematurely if you stand in this corner, in the right hand side with the exit. The easiest solution would either be to have them spawn in when the wall lowers(with conveyor action 253 and fake ceiling/floor action 242) or just remove both of them.

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Got around to playing the 2nd and 3rd maps in full.


Map02 certainly has some belligerent design choices (I am guilty of this in my part as well). I think the pickups could be more generous to offset the potential for frustration as my main issue was that I spent most of my time without ammo or armor and on very low health.

On the plus side, it's a very nice looking map and the pieces have good visual cohesion. I vote for the first track to be this map's music, it's kinda grungy and fits the difficulty well.


Map03 could either remain in the 3rd slot as a breather after map02's spike in difficulty or the two could be switched to create a sense of a curve. I don't have any strong inklings towards either option. I like all the doomcute in the lounge area. I vote for the first track to be this map's music as I like its waltzy tempo.

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2 hours ago, NeedHealth said:

These two cacodemons (thing 481, thing 483) can be activated prematurely if you stand in this corner, in the right hand side with the exit. The easiest solution would either be to have them spawn in when the wall lowers(with conveyor action 253 and fake ceiling/floor action 242) or just remove both of them.


I placed those cacodemons without knowing anything about the south piece as it was not done yet. I wanted to see what happened in the end. No idea if Obsidian relayed the presence of these cacos to that mapper.


Maybe the map is this difficult because of these three roaming cacos, and not the 11 archviles like everyone is saying heh.

Edited by Worm318

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I just got a chance to play MAP 03: It was a little awkward, but there is a lot going for the map too!


I feel like the single best edit that could be made to integrate the map pieces and improve progression flow would be to switch the places of the red and blue keys. Right now they are both located right next to the doors they would be opening, which creates little more than an immediate environmental obstacle to proceed. If they were switched it would create a navigational obstacle. Since they are both located so close to the beginning, it would force a bit of backtrack, but only for a brief moment. The BK pedestal would probably need to be re-textured to match the RK if this idea was implemented.


I also feel like one of the blue doors could be moved from the northern part of the center piece to the eastern part of the center piece and it would allow for the player another route to explore the level without breaking anything. It would probably also make more sense thematically.


Overall ammo and health feel a bit tight; In particular bullets. The only Super-shotgun is located in a secret, while there are 5! rocket launchers. perhaps one of those RL could be switched to a SS (SE corner?) and another to a PR (SW corner?) to create a more dynamic arsenal?


My particular piece could use some small tweaks: the secret is not hidden as "one-sided", the E and S doors should either have block-sound or player-only opens for them. I was under the impression that the player would DEFINITELY have the SS, so without it the duel barren pin feels a bit sadistic.

Edited by Egregor

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Personally I don't see anything wrong with Map 3's progression. It already makes you explore every piece, and I think any more backtracking is unnecessary. It'd only make the player spend more time.

Edit: fun fact: originally blue key and blue doors were meant to be red key and red doors. But I guess there was a clash and Obsidian switched them to blue.

Edited by Li'l devil

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1 hour ago, Li'l devil said:

Edit: fun fact: originally blue key and blue doors were meant to be red key and red doors. But I guess there was a clash and Obsidian switched them to blue.


Yep, both you and VICE used red keycards. :P

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...not really, heh. Here's your last four mappers!

Check your DMs for details and your 48 hours starts about now. If you aren't able to contribute for any reason, please let me know as soon as possible so I can organize a replacement before the month is out!

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Finally got around to MAP03:


  • My favourite of the maps so far. At least for me, it feels like a good level of difficulty. And there's a lot of really nice detailing/doomcute. I love the desk with the note and cup of blood(?). Also, nice sector hatchet in the top right. And dead marine for dinner. Yum.
  • The big door in the first room can only be opened one direction because the linedefs on the other side are facing the wrong way:



  • Maybe some indication that there are, in fact, three doors that need opening to get to the exit. The red key was the last one I got in my playthrough, and I had no idea that you were required to get the other keys to exit. I was very confused as to what the switches were doing.
  • Is this intended to be climbable? Because it is. It feels like if this is climbable, then there should be something up there, otherwise, it should probably just be blocked off. Also, there's a missing texture.



  • I love this bit of detailing so much. Really evocative and ominous. Looking in UDB though, there's a cage in there with a pool of blood - which seems impossible (or incredibly hard) to see. So, I guess move the crate into the light a bit, or adjust the lighting around the cage.



  • Was the SLIME floor in the exit segment (bottom right) supposed to be damaging? It kinda feels like it should be, but it isn't.
  • Also in that segment, a little sliver of missing texture on the railing:



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OKAY, so good news and bad news. The good news is that three of the last four participants have gotten their work to me!


The bad news is that the fourth one didn't. And there is no time left in the month to do another round.




Sighs and rolls up his sleeves


Looks like I have to finish the fight. See y'all in June.

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