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Seeking big snow covered pine tree sprite

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Hey y'all! Like the title implies, I'm seeking a big (about 125 x 200) snow covered pine sprite for an upcoming community project. Yes, I have checked Realm667! They do have some smaller snow covered pine trees, but enlarging them looks gross. Any suggestions for where I can find good snow pine sprites? The author MUST have them listed as being sharable in their read me text! Thank you!

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I bashed this together from some of the R667 sprites just now, as an exercise. You can use it if you want it. Non-paletted because I didn't know whether you're using it for Doom, Heretic, or something else.


For credit, original sprites are from "Small trees & bushes" and "Winter Tree Spawner" from R667.





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holy shit, Plums, this is great! I know the source material this is based off of, but HOW you did it is an entirely different thing. How you were able to take this and make it NOT look like a copy/paste Frankenstein is beyond me. Thank you!


Oh, and it converts to the Heretic palette just fine!

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Thanks! It was mostly just taking bits of the edges of the frozen bush/tree off of R667 and pasting them to make the big tree shape, then filling the rest with little snippets of copy-and-pasted chunks, then some filters to reduce the seams. Importantly for something like this I used a flipped version of the image as well as the original for taking samples from, to reduce the obvious identical parts. You can still spot places where the source material is used multiple times on the edges, but it's infrequent enough that it still looks OK IMO.

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