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Cannot see new sprites in Whacked4



As my wad is slowly pacing towards completion, I thought about modifying certain weapon attributes and changing/adding new decorations via DeHackEd Extra. So I downloaded and installed the latest beta release of Whacked4, 1.3.0 to be specific, but I've run into a rather confusing problem. I'm loading in my pwad that has the appropriate sprites, converted to Doom GFX and in between the SS markers, plus they're following the same naming pattern of Doom sprites. Now the problem is, even with the pwad loaded into Whacked4, it somehow seems to fail to see it. Looking it up doesn't bring me any results whatsoever.


Am I missing a step here or am I misguided in someway? Help will be wholly appreciated. 

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Your sprite names follow the appropriate naming conventions, but they have to be named with the exact sprite prefixes that exist in Doom 2, or the added SP00 to SP99 range that DEHEXTRA introduced. This is because in Boom, MBF and DEHEXTRA format dehacked you are not allowed to add new sprites or rename existing ones, so you have to use names that are available. In vanilla, you can rename sprite prefixes, but it still means replacing something that is already there. DSDHacked allows sprites of any names to be included, but DEHEXTRA is currently more widely supported, so if your project does not contain a boatload of new things and sprites then DEHEXTRA is probably sufficient.


As such, prefixes like STAT, TREE and TRET do not exist in Doom 2 or DEHEXTRA. You can name your STATA0 into SP00A0, TREEA0 into SP01A0 and TRETA0 into SP02A0. Or you could clump together static sprites of similar style and put all tree sprites into SP01. However you want to organize.


You could also look into DoomTools for your dehacked needs (Decohack more specifically), as it makes modification and iteration a great deal easier. Here's an introductory post I made on the topic.

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Did you choose Extended DeHackEd as your format/engine in Whacked when you created your deh file? Also make sure that your sprite names are correct, so either existing sprite Doom 2 prefixes or the SP00 to SP99 which were added with DEHEXTRA.


It's difficult to diagnose based on the descriptions alone. Could you share the wad in question, or at least the parts where you include new sprites?

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What Aurelius is saying is that with Dehacked you can't just choose any 4-letter sprite name; it has to be one that the engine will recognize.


For DEHEXTRA, the extra sprite names available are SP00 through SP99. So you want to change the name of the STATA0 lump to SP00A0, etc.


Alternately you can use new frames of existing sprite names, e.g. TRE1 is a tree sprite with only the A0 frame, so you could use TRE1B0.

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11 hours ago, Aurelius said:

Did you choose Extended DeHackEd as your format/engine in Whacked when you created your deh file? Also make sure that your sprite names are correct, so either existing sprite Doom 2 prefixes or the SP00 to SP99 which were added with DEHEXTRA.


It's difficult to diagnose based on the descriptions alone. Could you share the wad in question, or at least the parts where you include new sprites?


1. Yes, I chose Extended DeHackEd as the format in Whacked.


2. I made sure that the sprite names followed the same naming scheme as the vanilla ones.


Here's the test .wad if you want to see if I'm doing anything wrong. To clarify, I'm not seeing these sprites in Whacked, I haven't yet created a .deh file to check them out in the game itself. 



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Thanks a lot to both, I knew I was being dumb at one of the steps. 


5 minutes ago, Aurelius said:


You could also look into DoomTools for your dehacked needs (Decohack more specifically), as it makes modification and iteration a great deal easier. Here's an introductory post I made on the topic.


Just what I needed, thanks a lot! :D

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