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The DWIronman League dies to: Suspended in Dusk & Bauhaus

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Suspended in Dusk

Category 2, survived in 1:28:46.


Easy wad. I've played the first map before and maybe some of the second map, but this was mostly blind.




Category 1, dead on map01 with 41 kills.


Where the fuck was all the health? Edit: nevermind, the soulsphere should have been easy to figure out.


Edited by Pseudonaut

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suspendid in dusk:


cat 2 (ive played it at some point for sure, but i don't remember anything besides there being a lot of grey textures)
survived in 53:45




cat 2 (played it couple years ago)
survived in 40:41




no video, wasn't in the mood for commentary this time, sorry

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Suspended in Dusk
Category 1
Died in 42:40

Died to a really mean AV trap in MAP03. I've never played anything from Espi before but this was a really cool set, I feel like you can see the foundation for a lot of modern mappers here (minus all the startan usage). Wish i would have gotten a SSG earlier though, I'm sure I missed it in a secret somewhere.

Category 2
Died in 34:11

One of my favorite mapsets of all time so i was excited to play this one, luckily was able to squeeze this in at the end of the month. I really enjoy the architecture and colors throughout the whole wad but MAP02's house is probably my favorite overall. Would have liked to show off on this one but ended up dying to a zombieman on MAP04 like an idiot lol, forgot how brutal health can be on that map.

Edited by suzerduzer

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4 maps, 92:37


sid: ct. 2, dead on map04, 83:30



  map stat   kills items secr     time total
MAP01 EXIT 119/119   2/2  5/5 17:32+25 17:32
MAP02 EXIT 111/111   1/1  3/3 18:10+27 35:42
MAP03 EXIT 384/384 13/23  5/5 47:48+06 83:30
MAP04 DEAD   12/94   0/1  0/2  1:33+09 83:30

I played this on release and again about two years ago.

Lost the archvile pain chance roulette. That didn't kill me but left insufficient health for the next bit. Likely an avoidable death with some complacency to blame. Still, I should have died at the start of map01.



bauhaus: ct.1, stuck on map02, 8:37


  map stat  kills items secr     time total
MAP01 EXIT  53/53   2/2  0/0  8:37+26  8:37
MAP02 QUIT 80/104  1/15  4/5 16:10+08  8:37

Map02 was a bit of a puzzle, I spent more time stuck and wallhumping than making progress. Unable to obtain the next key, I was reduced to poking around in corners. One of them led over a wall to a side building, but there was no apparent way back.



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Suspended in Dusk

Dead: Map03

Time of Arrival: 31:10

Category: 2 (saw the first level before)

Kills: 137/384

Time of Death: 46:22

Demo: noisy_sid_ironman.zip



Was chill, then archvile happend.  (edit:) Well, it was more the door that killed me than the archvile.  Stupid door!

Edited by SleepyVelvet

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There's nothing like starting our DWIL runs at around 11:30 PM on the night of the 31st. Luckily for me, they weren't long.


Suspended in Dusk

Category: 1

Dead on: Map 01

Kills: 46/119

Time: 11:55


I had been wanting to play Suspended in Dusk. Perhaps I'll go back and do it again on a lower difficulty. Anyway, good layout, good encounters, good aesthetics, good atmosphere, the sense of foreboding when you can hear enemies milling around and recognize that you have to face them... there's a reason Espi was considered a master. There's ample ammo and health, too, so the maps can be difficult, but not meant to be overwhelming.


It's too bad I was in the process of trying to open a door when I was killed, which led to a quick, unintended restart. But I went back and checked the kills and time. Besides, why would I make them up?





Category: 2

Dead on: Map 01

Kills: 10/53

Time: 1:51


I'm sure I was hit in the back, and I have a sneaking suspicion about what it was. At least I took out the revenant first. The 15% damage from the zombieman was nice, too (always in Ironman runs). Anyway, Bauhaus was an IronEagle selection way back in 2019, so I've played it before, but didn't get far enough in to tell whether what I remembered would be helpful. The aesthetics are interested, and the encounters are good.




Overall, good choices for this month's Ironman.

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Hope this isn't too late! Bauhaus is one of my favorite WADs, so I couldn't pass up this month's Ironman. Ended up not getting to play it much in this run, though...


Suspended in Dusk

Category 2 (played the first map once before)

Exited MAP01 at 11:39

Died on MAP02 at 13:40 (33 kills)

Recorded in Nugget Doom 3.1.0




Category 2

Died on MAP01 at 0:24.69 (10 kills)

Recorded in Nugget Doom 3.1.0


Had to rewatch the demo to see what happened... 80 damage revenant missile to the face and a shotgun to the back on the very next tic, classic.

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Suspended in Dusk


Category 2, Dead on MAP03 with 251 kills.


Dammit, I really thought I had a good angle on that window shot & that the rocket wouldn't hit the bottom ledge. Well, it's been a good run but I finally Good At Doom'd myself in one of these challenges.


Suspended In Dusk has a pretty decent scare in its opening encounters (I respect any level that finds clever ways to make the player run for their lives from things), but I wouldn't blame anybody for turning the combat off and just taking a -nomonsters trip around to admire the visual art. Definitely a benchmark for the vanilla format.






Category 1, Dead on MAP04 with 272 kills.


The long puzzle map had been rewarding to investigate and pick away at, but I'd been lulled into a bit of a peaceful, sleepy state by the long periods of silence and was not prepared to turn a blind corner and suddenly be face-to-face with a Cyberdemon. I should have bugged out immediately, but I couldn't help diving forward for the switch before beginning evasive maneuvers. After all, there was the possibility that he wouldn't immediately fire. (He immediately fired.)


Man, this set is a great mini-campaign. It's aesthetically-pleasing and is adept at applying pressure to the player in unexpected & interesting ways. The escalation in MAP04's length & complexity was a little much, but understandable since it's at the end of the game and you're already invested at that point. I had a lot of fun with Bauhaus; thanks for selecting it!

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@SleepyVelvet The thread for June has been postponed a day or two because I've caught something and am a bit ill right now, so you have time, don't worry. Thank you all for the participations so far, if anyone else wants to submit in these few hours, you're welcome to do so!

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Thanks, @NaZa, I really needed it, because:



DEAD: Map01

Category: 2

Kills: 26/53

Time of Death: 4:06

Port: DSDA-Doom 0.27.2

Demo: noisy_bauhaus_ironman.zip (2 files, my mouse drivers updated and exploded things, so i quit out and -recordfromto'd into another file... clearly it mattered a lot.)



Out of ammo and into a shotgunner surprise.

Edited by SleepyVelvet

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I decided to give this a second try and submit that as a prepared run.


Suspended in Dusk

Category 3

Exited MAP02 at 18:37

Died on MAP03 at 40:21 (245 kills)




Category 3

Exited MAP01 at 2:53.71

Softlocked on MAP02 at 3:08, quit at 4:23 (12 kills)


I remembered that there was a straferun you could do to skip a bit of the map. Unfortunately, when doing so I also skipped a line and softlocked myself.

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