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New Doom Map ! First on the Forum

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Posted (edited)

Hello ! I am posting here, for the first time, a MAP from myself.  The map, "CONQUEST" : (read all the text before downloading please)


(ancient version obsolete : https://www.mediafire.com/file/n0qa019oqtacjj9/MAP01-reve.wad/file )


The situation is a bit complicated, I have done the map in Ultimate Doom Builder, testing with GZDoom BUT for YOU to play it, you must open the wad with UDB AND add the 4 official WAD for Ressource : Doom, Doom 2, TNT and Plutonia (very important sorry) and then testing it (to play it normaly) with UDB whith F9. Other way, with only GZDoom and Doom 2, a LOT of textures will be missing, I try a bit to solve it, but the amount of textures to search, find, copy etc is excruciating to say the least.


My map use a custom sky from the WAD Arrival and the instrumental version of Fuel, from Metalica. I have also done myself some custom textures and object (bloody skull, vines, pink-teck wall etc.), there is no new monsters, mechanics or weapons.


I can do my map with 100% kill, saveless and secretless in around 18 minutes or so. You will take, in a full blind run, at least 25 min and max 50 min, you are expected to die at least 2 to 3 times. There is no difficulty change : no less monsters or more health is easy mod for exemple, but the difficulty expected is Ultra-violence or Hurt Me Plenty if you want a simpler life.


So, finally, the WAD consist of 1 map (map01) which is called "CONQUEST", in this map, you will explore a alien planet which was clamed, just like Earth, by the Demons and you must do the dirty work yourself in a green and desoleted wasteland of ashes. You will start in a hellish place without sky and you must first traverse the Fire Blue Portal to enter the new extra-terrestrial world. This map uses New lighting object from UDB as well as 3D platformes in some places.


Good luck, you will need it !


Note : If I have done any mystakes of misspeling, please ignore as I am not English !


   . No crouching, no jumping, no mouse look




Some quick screenshots of the map (in IDDQD :>) :













Edited by LamaRoux34
added my signature, change the title a bit and tweak some parts, added the newer version of the map

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Posted (edited)

Note 2 : The WAD file name is something like "MAP01-rêve", rêve mean "dream" in french, it was the first name idea, before even starting the mapping, I choose later to change the map name but forgot to change the WAD's name.


Note 3 : If you ever download the wad, please let me know your thought in a reply please, even a more or less smiley face will do :p

Edited by LamaRoux34

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Posted (edited)

So I tried it, and died a bit more than you expected (once on the red key fight, two or three times in the mancubus/arachno/chaingunners/HK-slime platforming fight, more than that in the post blue key ending fight (it was funny because arriving at the blue key, with the two "non-uber threatening" archviles and the revenants I thought "OKAY, I expected to die here but no, strange that the last key  fight feels easier than the two first ones !"... then I discovered the post-key fight.)


One very subjective negative thing : forgetting my feelings about metallica, I thought at first that the music, even though I prefer midi, was well fitting but, during the second half of my trip (36 min, 3/5 secrets, missing something like 20 kills) it began to annoy me a little... but once again, it's  very personal (les goûts et les couleurs).


Otherwise, I found the map very cool and pretty much liked the changes of rhythm : let say that, from beginning to red key it was pretty intense, run and gun (or punch, thanks for the berserk)(so the metallica song felt great during that part), then the roads for yellow key and blue key were more "low tempo" (even, sometimes, a tiny bit explorative), then the big arena fight was a panickig acceleration ;).

Regarding health, I sometimes was on a tiny ledge but it was OK, regarding ammo It was quite generous and let say that the two or three times I thought "Ow, I'm low on ammo !" there was directly in the next room what I needed to refuel.


The layout was very pleasant (don't remember exactly when but on two or three rooms I thought it could need a bit of lightning work, but nothing really annoying), the fights while platforming (and I instantly precise it is very approachable platforming ! otherwise I won't have been able to do them) are interesting...


Some very minor things, once again subjective : regarding the big portal leading to the place where you chase keys, the fleshy pilar that lower, lower also a teleporter to this portal room, a room you can directly see through barriers, I thought that it felt strange to be teleported to an adjacent and visible room when you can lower the barriers (maybe by putting a switch on the fleshy pilar ?)... but it's very anecdotic !!!

I also, AT FIRST GLANCE, thought that you could make the archviles more threatening BUT it was before discovering the big following fight !

Just noticed that an imp in the platforms around a pentagram fight (south west of the map) didn't woke up (thing 586 i think), but looking at the map on slade it don't seem it is set differently than the other so... I don't know)


A very varied, cool and perfect sized map ! Very good job !





22 hours ago, LamaRoux34 said:

There is no difficulty change : no less monsters or more health is easy mod for exemple, but the difficulty expected is Ultra-violence or Hurt Me Plenty if you want a simpler life.


I thought the only  differences you could get between HMP, UV (or even HNTR) was on the monster number or the health/ammo... did I missed something ?

Edited by apichatpong

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Big thanks for playing my map ! So, first, the "2 or 3 death" is a bit subjective, I have just my brother who played it, and who struggle, and died like 6 times... but I was not sure what to put, so it's for like, very experimented players.


For the music choice, the fact that the map is not short make it a bit repetidive over time (like everything) but it's the best I can find.


For the health and ammo, I find pretty good balance : you really want those juicy soulsphere (including the secret one !) tho, and for the ammo, it force you to use a certain weapon like the rocket laucher or the chaingun.


For the fleshy portal, I was thinking like : "you see that behind the barriers ? And the pillar in the lava lake ? Well, you must find a way to do something about this !" but your reflection is very logical, it's just a choice (and there is also more than a few barriers that opens in this map, so I wanted to change a bit.


For the sleepy imp, I think the platform is too small for him to move I guess ? Because he wants to attack you, but can't it seems.


Also, there is differences to I'M To Young To Die, HMP, UV and , there a classed as "easy, normal and hard" (easy=IMTYTD and HNTR, normal is HMP and hard is UV and Nighmare (even tho nighmare is a special case)) for exemple, in easy mod I think you get double of ammo just like in nighmare, and that you take less damage in general. I recommend to watch this video from Decino :


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2 hours ago, apichatpong said:

but once again, it's  very personal (les goûts et les couleurs).

Wait, I did not know English people use this french expression, or are they ?

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2 minutes ago, LamaRoux34 said:

Wait, I did not know English people use this french expression, or are they ?

It's because I'm French !

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2 minutes ago, apichatpong said:

It's because I'm French !

And so I am ! ahah c'est fou, le monde est petit je suppose

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2 minutes ago, LamaRoux34 said:

And so I am ! ahah c'est fou, le monde est petit je suppose

And you'll see that we're not alone !

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Posted (edited)

A lot, I don't know, but there is a french doom community which produces some pretty good (challenging) wads !

Edited by apichatpong

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I died a lot (but I'm not a good player!)

My opinion, what I liked and disliked:
What I liked :
- I really like your efforts in the details (the way you try the pattern of textures to create volumes)
- the mechanisms of certain rooms are really interesting (the blue key room for example, the secret room which follows the archvile with an A/B choice among others)
- Secrets are accessible, it's not too frustrating to search for hours and quickly rewarding
- Graphically, it's pretty cool, the green sky matches well
- The music is fitting Doom universe, can be a little repetitive but but as you said previously, that's simply because the wad is big
The inconvenient:
- please respect us, make a standalone wad, not a file you have to open with UDB, loading TNT and blablabla. I could forgive it to a beginner, but you assume that it bothered you to duplicate textures. However, most of the work has been done, so why not complete it 100% to offer a ready-made wad? One of the primary principles of UX is to make things usable.
- I found that there were too many dark places; Afterwards it's very subjective there too, I like it when there are a few dark passages, but they have to be well balanced, and they have to offer night vision glasses. I didn't found any, despite it's a good item.
- Before the final butchery with the 2 cybers, I was frustrated not to find blue armor to boost my final defense (but that's a detail)
- the last room, we see that you spent some time there, but honestly, I'm not sure that it adds much (plus it's bathed in darkness, we don't even benefit from it)
- the sprites you added are nice, but for example I don't know how you did it, but the skull-candle is almost invisible from a certain angle (well after that it's the gzdoom engine I guess?)

There you go, overall had a good time, and impressed by the amount of work.

Et si tu as envie d'avoir des feedback FR, check du coté de ce forum peut être : https://doomfrance.forumactif.com/ (le forum est graphiquement pourrave on va pas se mentir, mais il semble plutôt actif)


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Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, Korsuv said:

The inconvenient:
- please respect us, make a standalone wad, not a file you have to open with UDB, loading TNT and blablabla. I could forgive it to a beginner, but you assume that it bothered you to duplicate textures. However, most of the work has been done, so why not complete it 100% to offer a ready-made wad? One of the primary principles of UX is to make things usable.
- I found that there were too many dark places; Afterwards it's very subjective there too, I like it when there are a few dark passages, but they have to be well balanced, and they have to offer night vision glasses. I didn't found any, despite it's a good item.

- the sprites you added are nice, but for example I don't know how you did it, but the skull-candle is almost invisible from a certain angle (well after that it's the gzdoom engine I guess?)



Thanks to you for letting me know your thoughts and to have play my map !


It's my fault for the UDB playing, the ressources, blablabla, when I first begin to do the map, I've put the 4 official wad because it was easier for me, but I regret it because at the end, that mean that I needed to re-do a lot of textures work (just play with GZDoom and Doom 2 to see the number of bugged textures).


Also, you say that the work is almost done, but really not, there's 42 missing textures (I count them) that I need to find on slade within 3 different WAD that haven't the same name than in UDB, then put it all in slade, then use those textures do re-do most of the map walls, floors and ceillings...


For the Dark places and light googles, I try to put in some places, but whith GZDoom, it make the map looks horrible with this weird green tint, plus it last for two entire minutes (not very pleasante).


For the sprites, I have succsess to implement an object (the long vine) but couldn't do it for the other textures, so what I do is that I just made a line in UBD (well oriented to not see the 2D flat texture) then put a middle texture on this line whith the wanted texture like the skull.


(oh et merci pour voir les conseils sur le forum fr)




Edited by LamaRoux34
add a note for the french doom forum

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Posted (edited)

Pretty good and it's nice you don't just put 1 completion time when it's doubtful that would actually happen the first time!




Edited by LadyMistDragon

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2 hours ago, LadyMistDragon said:

Pretty good and it's nice you don't just put 1 completion time when it's doubtful that would actually happen the first time!

Woaw you've made a video of my map ? thanks ! But I said no mouse look (up and down) and no jumping !!

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11 hours ago, LamaRoux34 said:

It's my fault for the UDB playing, the ressources, blablabla, when I first begin to do the map, I've put the 4 official wad because it was easier for me, but I regret it because at the end, that mean that I needed to re-do a lot of textures work (just play with GZDoom and Doom 2 to see the number of bugged textures).

Yes, I completely understand. I actually made the same mistake, on a smaller scale, mixing sprites from Doom I and Doom 2; But the thing is, from the moment I understood how I could fix it (by getting the name of the sprites and copying them into the right folder), well I did it. So yes, it's true that I didn't have sprites from several Wads (just Doom 2), but on the other hand, I had already made several maps that mixed sprites. And I totally understand that it’s discouraging and boring 42 textures! But on the other hand, it only concerns one map so you just need to take a few hours and it will fix itself. Afterwards, there it is, it's more for you, because the more you have a map that will be easily playable, the more people will test it, it's always nicer. And your map deserve to be known because it's good ;)

1 hour ago, LamaRoux34 said:

But I said no mouse look (up and down) and no jumping !!

I also jump and used mouse look! That's an another side effect to play the wad with UDB! People are lazy and will not by themself change the setting for just one wad I expect.

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4 hours ago, LamaRoux34 said:

Woaw you've made a video of my map ? thanks ! But I said no mouse look (up and down) and no jumping !!

I may have seen that, but the only difference was that it made getting some items slightly easier, not really breaking the map because it feels like that's a process that would be obvious when you're in the middle of it. :P

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11 hours ago, Korsuv said:

And your map deserve to be known because it's good ;)

I also jump and used mouse look! That's an another side effect to play the wad with UDB! People are lazy and will not by themself change the setting for just one wad I expect.

Well, thanks for the support ! But when I first begin the map, I just wanted to have fun and do it for myself and my brothers too, I wasn't planning to post it, but then the map got bigger and got more detailed, I wanted to show my work to other people (for feedback also) !


Also, I didn't know that jump and mouse look was activated by default ! I don't really understand why use mouse-look, and I don't mind that but jumping change how you play the map ! I think you can even skip some part by jumping.

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Posted (edited)

I think you may not overconsider this question, it's a neverending debate and a battle lost before beginning to fight. Posting maps expose you to view them played not exactly the way intented (skill levels, freelook, jump, crouch, fantasy or brutal mods etc). While I only play the classic way, I've seen some videos of doomers playing maps with freelook, jump or some mods that sometimes, a priori, went against the atmosphere of the map, and, in the end, respecting the map (sometimes to my biggest surprise !) so, take the pleasure where it is ;-) (the video) !

Edited by apichatpong

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Yeah of course, play the map the way you like it ! it was just a little reminder of what I intended for my map.

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4 hours ago, LamaRoux34 said:

I didn't know that jump and mouse look was activated by default

Dunno how exactly it's working, but I can tell you that if you want to unset jump, you have to add nojump in defaultmap properties, inside the zmapinfo file you put on folder root. Well, I'm not an expert, but I know this method work well so far for my wad. But of course, it work only if you play the wad with gzdoom, not udb !

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Nah I don't want to force the player, he does what he want, with my advice on how to well play my map

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Posted (edited)

Hello everyone !

I am now uploading a updated version of my map CONQUEST : https://www.mediafire.com/file/scr6cjkm376qe8y/MAP01-CONQUEST.wad/file


I tweak some part of the map (sneaky missing textures) and added Difficulty level-ennemies ! easy - normal - hard

(might not be perfect, especially UV).


I aslo advance on the textures patching for GZDoom but I am still far from the end ! So you still need to play it with UDB and the 4 official WADs.

Edited by LamaRoux34
change New version to updated version

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