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Pain Elemental quandry


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If the lost souls aren't entirely "organic" anymore and have that ass-rocket, how can they come from a pain elemental? And if so, does that mean there'll be no pain elemental in Doom III?

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It the Pain Elemental makes an appearance, it's quite possible that it will spew forth something similar to a Lost Soul, yet not a Lost Soul itself.

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I heard something about there actually being a different kind of lost soul similar to the original, but spectral in nature and unable to be damaged by weapons; it would instead possess humans and such. I might be just talking out my ass but I'm sure I heard it somewhere. A Pain Elemental could certainly spit out some of those. And if nothing else, maybe they'll make it spit out some entirely new kind of demon (which would be cool, as I want there to be new enemies in Doom3 instead of just redesigns! :)

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I think the cyborgish flying female head is just a piece of concept art, or maybe a new monster. The Lost Souls seen in the E3 video look different, and they arenĀ“t mechanical, they are ethereal glowing skulls or heads.

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True, but at the same time, how would the creatures shown at E3 be a defeatable enemy? I would imagine that the biomechanical creature shown in the concept drawing is going to be the new Lost Soul for the purposes of combat as the other creatures have no physical form and therefor cannot attack you (other than taking over your body)

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Ubik said:

I heard something about there actually being a different kind of lost soul similar to the original, but spectral in nature and unable to be damaged by weapons; it would instead possess humans and such. I might be just talking out my ass but I'm sure I heard it somewhere. A Pain Elemental could certainly spit out some of those. And if nothing else, maybe they'll make it spit out some entirely new kind of demon (which would be cool, as I want there to be new enemies in Doom3 instead of just redesigns! :)

Yes, those are the "real" lost souls you're talking about. The E3 demonstration (and the Alpha) showed ghost skulls shrouded in equally transparent flames that shot out of the gateway and possessed humans, so they're definitely in there.

My bet would be that the Pain Elemental is left out (it's also the single most annoying enemy in Doom 2 so if they do leave it out, it wouldn't be a big loss).

But if they actually have it in Doom 3, it is possible that it would function similarly to the regular zombie in RtCW, which summoned ghostly skulls that would track the player (but not around corners) - if the pain elemental just spits lost souls that track you (and instead of possessing you, they just take a chunk out of your health for the sake of gameplay), but dissolve if they hit a wall or if you manage to avoid them long enough, then it would be a feasible enemy.

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Tetzlaff said:

I think the cyborgish flying female head is just a piece of concept art, or maybe a new monster.

I hope it's not just concept art; I want that thing to be an actual enemy! It rocks :)

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dsm said:

Yes, those are the "real" lost souls you're talking about. The E3 demonstration (and the Alpha) showed ghost skulls shrouded in equally transparent flames that shot out of the gateway and possessed humans, so they're definitely in there.

My bet would be that the Pain Elemental is left out (it's also the single most annoying enemy in Doom 2 so if they do leave it out, it wouldn't be a big loss).

Yes. It has been left out. (according to my source(not a person))

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dsm said:

But if they actually have it in Doom 3, it is possible that it would function similarly to the regular zombie in RtCW, which summoned ghostly skulls that would track the player (but not around corners) - if the pain elemental just spits lost souls that track you (and instead of possessing you, they just take a chunk out of your health for the sake of gameplay), but dissolve if they hit a wall or if you manage to avoid them long enough, then it would be a feasible enemy.

That's actually a pretty good idea. All of the evil, none of the mess.

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Ubik said:

That's actually a pretty good idea. All of the evil, none of the mess.

nooo. Those things were so annoying! :P

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Shaviro said:

Yes. It has been left out. (according to my source(not a person))

All hail Shaviro's coffee machine of Infinite Wisdom.

I don't see a Pain Elemental appearing in Doom III either. Too bad.

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dsm said:

But if they actually have it in Doom 3, it is possible that it would function similarly to the regular zombie in RtCW, which summoned ghostly skulls that would track the player (but not around corners) - if the pain elemental just spits lost souls that track you (and instead of possessing you, they just take a chunk out of your health for the sake of gameplay), but dissolve if they hit a wall or if you manage to avoid them long enough, then it would be a feasible enemy.

That sounds just like a Revenant

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I don`t like the zombie that spawned the ghostly skull in RTCW.It take too long time for firng the skull and i simply run away hiding from zombie`s sight.it`s no fun to fight at all.

Back on topic:pain Elemeatal is too annoying.I hope id would left it out.

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Probably that entity list from the Alpha :) There were some new monsters listed, and most of the old ones, but no Pain Elemental if I remember it right.

But the weapon list from the same source also lacked the double-barrelled shotgun, and id better puts it in!

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Tetzlaff said:

But the weapon list from the same source also lacked the double-barrelled shotgun, and id better puts it in!

I don't know about that. A double barrelled shotgun sounds a little too old fashion for the year 2145. On the other hand, so does the idea of having a chainsaw in that year. They're both classic weapons.

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i think they should put the PE in simply because alot of Doom fans, including myself, don't like it... it'd sorta be payback for the alpha, plus we're all too greedy, wanting the game like THIS, like we want it... it hasta appeal to everyone, so each person will have little things they aren't into

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Disorder said:

I don't know about that. A double barrelled shotgun sounds a little too old fashion for the year 2145. On the other hand, so does the idea of having a chainsaw in that year. They're both classic weapons.

uhhh who said anything about the year 2145? the plot never mentioned a year.

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Well, we do know that it's at least a hundred or so years from now, so 2145 might be the year Doom3's set in, who knows?

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A pain elemental spitting loads of skulls in doom3 will probably create a lot of lag unless there's a limit of 10 skulls.

About the "new" lost soul, it makes me wonder about the cyborg redesigns. I wonder if the pinky demons that you come across in hell will have normal back legs rather than cyborg back legs like the ones in our realm or simply the pinky demon will look the same regardless where it is.

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