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Favorite Sound In DOOM

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The arch-vile's death sound makes me wipe my brow in relief every single time I hear it in-game even to this day.


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Hellknight's death sound on PSX Doom makes me orgasmic.

Shotgun sounds on PSX Doom is incredible.

Teleport sounds in PSX Doom are also much better and more satisfying than the PC version

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Hearing monsters' death sounds is always a great pleasure. Notable examples are arachnotrons, revenants and hell knights' death sounds.

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Nothing's better than hearing one or more Arachnotron getting blown up. although hearing a bunch of bones crackle from Revenants dying will also never get old. 

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i agree with switches. i play around with going back and forth in menus because of it lol

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-SSG boom

-When the arachnotron stops

-Pain Elemental pain sound

-Pain Elemental death sound

-Archvile pain & death sounds

-The clunk/click of platforms etc. falling into place

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All sounds in DOOM are top notch primo gusto, it's a big part of what makes the game so great, imo


If I were to choose my favorite though, I'd say - quality-wise it's the Arachnotron death sound, but my personal favorite (and technically not a single sound but a sequence), is the sound of a Chaingunner firing. I just cannot think of any other sound effect in any game I played that screams DANGER DANGER DANGER the way this does, and I love it for that :P

Edited by Tiramisu

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The Super Shotgun's firing sound and the Roar of a Cyberdemon, I can't think of anything more badass but maybe you can.

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When a monster gets gibbed by a rocket or even a player in deathmatch!  What a pure joy!


Cadman - Member TeamTNT / Doom2 Grandmaster DHT5 Standards

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Next to the sound effects of the super shotgun, the door and the chainsaw, the sound of the revenant's slap is my favorite sound effect, because it's so funny to hear when he fights another demon.

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Aubrey Hodges BFG charge followed by that reality tearing detonation but only because no one mentioned it, there's loads of good sounds.

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When you fire a shot somewhere on the level and you hear "MOOOOO" played at max volume, as a cyber hears you from across the map. The idea of it is always so funny to me (but anticipating a cyber is not).

Edited by Li'l devil

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PC Speaker sound of zombies/imps/other basic creatures screaming in agony through a piezo moving back and forth very rapidly on an 80s DOS machine.

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6 hours ago, Lila Feuer said:

Aubrey Hodges BFG charge followed by that reality tearing detonation but only because no one mentioned it, there's loads of good sounds.

I wish the original BFG sounded like this it sounds so much more powerful like you're dropping an actual bomb on the enemy

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Hellknight death sound, 100%.


Especially if you can get two or more at once with the SSG.  It's glorious!

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5 hours ago, ShallowB said:

Hellknight death sound, 100%.


Especially if you can get two or more at once with the SSG.  It's glorious!

Even twice the pants creaming when you take down two Barons with one SSG shot.

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On 5/5/2024 at 5:09 AM, spineapple tea said:

The pinky's death sound is funny because it sounds like a loud thud on someone's desk when it falls over.

This but I always heard it coming from its mouth.

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On 5/5/2024 at 5:06 PM, TheMightyWhoosh said:

Enemies being gibbed/crushed by doors in the PSX version. 


Came in to say this. It was oddly satisfying to collect as many crushed gibs as possible in PS1 Doom, especially if you managed to get spectres or nightmare spectres. And the more corpses you got at one spot, the more intense the crushing sound was when the door finally fell.

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