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Why do doom games take so long to come out?

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I mean... Just making a single map with quake-ish levels of detail takes weeks or even months. Have you tried making a WAD? Now imagine you need to create a map with sixteen times (I'm still disappointed Bethesda) the detail and repeat it 20-30 times (while not being repetetive in your layouts). And that's BEFORE upper and middle management gets in your face and tells you to change the map 60 times to cater to various tangible and intangible "consumer demands."

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1 hour ago, Bedingungsl.Grundeinkommen said:

Didn't they basically say that the next game will be a Quake reboot before we get another Doom?

Quake reboot looks promising, and there ain't even any piece of promotion for it lol.

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stop whining, op. the stuff the community puts out on the regular is far better than any official release ever could be anyways, so i'm not sure why it's such a big deal that they take a long time to make new games.

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Doom has enough,  you can not just keep hitting the doom franchise with a club until a new good game comes out! doom in my opinion probably has already had enough games, and even so if they want to make a new one, it probably wont be good, you can not just expect good games from an company so often, and hell, you can not expect GAMES every year! in my opinion they arent planning to make a new doom game for a few years now, we are still not kicking rocks waiting for new doom games so id will take a break from it for a long time in my opinion









still maybe everything i said may turn out to end up wrong and tomorrow they release an epic new game with epic gameplay and everything is perfect... but that probably wont happen



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Posted (edited)

So, I hope I'm not the only person who wants a new Doom 3 game.

Edited by Ozcar

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Given the direction that the series has taken, I'd rather play the community content than a 14 year old's edgy Serious Sam fanfic.

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Just now, Amaruψ said:

Given the direction that the series has taken, I'd rather play the community content than a 14 year old's edgy Serious Sam fanfic.


as a 20 year old zoomer I quite like the direction they took. doom eternal was pure kino 

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Just now, nathanB404 said:


as a 20 year old zoomer I quite like the direction they took. doom eternal was pure kino 


As a 22 year old, I don't like the direction they took. If I want to play Serious Sam, I'd play Serious Sam.

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3 minutes ago, Ozcar said:

So I hope I'm not the only person who wants a new Doom 3 game.


As long as the shotgun isn't bad, I'm in for it.

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1 minute ago, Amaruψ said:


As a 22 year old, I don't like the direction they took. If I want to play Serious Sam, I'd play Serious Sam.

As a 25 year old who played the First Encounter 3 years before Doom 4 came out: I think the level design and overall gameplay was atleast distinct enough that calling it Serious Sam is a bit reductive

That said: it still does share more in common with Sam and Pain Killer's arena approach than it does Classic Doom's more fluid and open nature, and I do prefer that latter most design philosophy alot more

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Look at all these younglings coming together and/or arguing over Doom. Brings a goddamn tear to my eye.

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*cracks knuckles* i will make the next doom game for you

what do you prefer, turn-based combat or block pushing?

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(to the rock) you're huge! that means you have huge inertia

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1 minute ago, yakfak said:

*cracks knuckles* i will make the next doom game for you

what do you prefer, turn-based combat or block pushing?

Ooooo turn-based Doom sounds cool!

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2 minutes ago, yakfak said:

*cracks knuckles* i will make the next doom game for you

what do you prefer, turn-based combat or block pushing?

Dating Sim

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As a 55 year old casual gamer who first got Doom1 shareware off a mag coverdisk (720k fdd if anyone remembers them :-)) I think I agree with some of the arguments above about slickness vs replayability.


I got 2016 a couple of years after it came out (needed a better computer to actually play the thing...). It does look very slick and I did spend a solid couple of months playing it - but did get quite bored with the "get to new area, get locked in, kill everything, move on" loop. Same thing with Eternal really. Sorry...


As a 55 year old professional software developer (unrelated to game dev), I can tell you that building new highly complex software takes a LOT of time. So purely from a development PoV, a new huge undertaking like a AAA game will likely take a long time - it is not only the coding, it is the associated things as well ( market research, the artwork, the level design, the company's priorities etc.) and to get this right takes time.



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As a 35 year old lifelong Doom fan, I just want the next game to have a balance between action and exploration. 

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6 minutes ago, Mr. Freeze said:

As a 35 year old lifelong Doom fan, I just want the next game to have a balance between action and exploration. 

As an also 35 year old lifelong Doom fan I too wish for the next game to partake in a more equal parts action/exploration culmination.

And for the game to actually be kinda scary again, since they're, you know, demons from literal hell. Personally I'd abort the slayer timeline and make it about a regular marine again who just happens to be exceptional at surviving seemingly impossible odds due to utilizing high-grade military hardware, but will fold up like a lawn chair the moment they're pounced by a "lowly" Imp.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Amaruψ said:

Given the direction that the series has taken, I'd rather play the community content than a 14 year old's edgy Serious Sam fanfic.

hugo's law: any thread even slightly involving nu-doom will invariably devolve into people bitching and moaning about doom eternal


with the amount of hate the game gets you'd think marty stratton barged into people's homes and took a fat shit in their bathtub or something. i prefer classic doom as well, but goddamn some of you seem to have a grudge against the game lol

Edited by roadworx

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It has nothing to do with development time and everything to do with money. The DOOM franchise is not a money maker because it isn't, and doesn't lend itself well to, scam tactics with in-game purchases and all the gumpf. When it comes to the investors, "this game made $100M" vs. "this game made 1B$", DOOM doesn't get the greenlight.

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27 minutes ago, roadworx said:

hugo's law: any thread even slightly involving nu-doom will invariably devolve into people bitching and moaning about doom eternal


with the amount of hate the game gets you'd think marty stratton barged into people's homes and took a fat shit in their bathtub or something. i prefer classic doom as well, but goddamn some of you seem to have a grudge against the game lol


Bit rude, but alright.

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I enjoyed 2016 and Eternal. For what they are. But ultimately both games are heavily flawed due to bad design choices that take away freedom and interrupt the game constantly (I will not elaborate on this - you won't agree either way if you have a different opinion). It was nice to see a new interpretation of the Doom universe and its monsters with modern graphics. But even if there were countless free DLCs, I could never play those games for thousands of hours, how I played Doom 1 & 2 including their respective WADs. Those new games were fun but don't even come close to Doom 1 & 2. I will always happily check out any new game that has Quake or Doom in its name but I am not impatient at all.

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Why is a 20 year old crying over videogame development taking time? An old person who might die soon, I could understand...but, your gonna be around for a while, just chill a bit, maybe.

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2 hours ago, yakfak said:

*cracks knuckles* i will make the next doom game for you

what do you prefer, turn-based combat or block pushing?


Block pushing!!!!

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Have you ever made a GOOD game?
Making a GOOD game takes time.

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1 minute ago, Bam4000 said:

Have you ever made a GOOD game?
Making a GOOD game takes time.


Okay but what about making a bethesda doom game

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1 minute ago, Grain of Salt said:


Okay but what about making a bethesda doom game

True..... lol
Games just take time to make in general

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9 hours ago, nathanB404 said:

Seriously, why? 


I'm crying rn realizing how long the next doom game is taking to come out its infuriating. Hopefully something is revealed this year. But it still sucks we have to wait till next year for the next doom game to come out.


But why though? What's taking soo long? It's been 4 years since eternal came out and nothing. No word on what the next ID game will even be. Why has ID gone radio silent in the first place?? Why didn't they reveal anything last year during Doom's 30th anniversary??


What's taking so long!?

You are crying over this? A game? good lord. For all we know the next big thing will be Quake.


I am disappointed that its always this kind of thread that get's attention and not something that's actually impressive.


A depressing fact made even more depressing by the fact i am contributing to it.


8 hours ago, Gothic said:

Speaking of getting good, you should get good at making threads.


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